Who is the traitor?



  • Thing is, no matter who you take with you to highpoint, and no matter wether they're sentinel or not, either of them (Duncan/Royland) gladly kill Ludd. Which either means that it's Ortengryn (unlikely after the shit Gryff did) or, what I find most likely, Duncan with good inentions (trying to encourage the Whitehills to make peace or something like that).

  • Gwyn said "There's a traitor in your council" and we've met everyone in the council. She also says something that one would only know if they were present at said council.

    I wonder if thr traitor is like a Crooked Man type thing where we don't even know the traitor because we havn't even met him yet.

  • Duncan was there with Ethan if you chose him as Sentinel, Duncan is ALSO willing to kill Ludd in episode 4, and Gwyn can't be bullshitting because she said something that you straight up planned with the small council.

    Come on, guys. It's obvious. It's either the damn Maester or Duncan. They are just..so suspicious. They act like they doesn't even want to

  • I hope it's Lady Forrester so I can take her head. I really don't like her at all.

    AKz Effect posted: »

    I actually really hope it's Lady Forrester so I won't have to take any heads. Atleast her reason would be totally understandable for Ryon's

  • edited July 2015

    But what if Gryff doesn't know they (The Whitehills) have a fox in the hen-house? Given Gryff's actions/demeanor, would you trust someone like that with such sensitive information? That could easily still mean the Maester is a valid option.

    Galhaar posted: »

    Thing is, no matter who you take with you to highpoint, and no matter wether they're sentinel or not, either of them (Duncan/Royland) gladly

  • edited July 2015

    I was replaying the game yesterday, and I noticed something I hadn't before. In episode 3 after you plan on rescuing Ryon or getting rid of Gryff, Ducan says "Handle things right with Gywn and she may even help us at Highpoint.... When the time comes."

    Highpoint huh? He means the "meeting that happened in episode 4"?? Duncan knew about the meeting, and knew it was coming!

  • I like those theories about the Meister. I dont think he is Ludd's son, but he can be a friend of his son or something else.
    Actually, I think there's probably a shocking secret to be revealed that will lead us to the traitor.

    If you havent noticed, there's something really interesting about Lady Forrest and the Meister. In episode 1, Gared can reveal the North Grove secret to her and the Meister or not. Also, in episode 3, after meeting Gwyn, Rodrick can also reveal to her the discussion about the traitor. Why is she always there? I dont believe in coincidences and this can lead to the identity of the traitor.

  • Actually that comes up if you planned to go to highpoint and rescue Ryon, thus referring to the possibility that Gwyn would help get Ryon back.

    I was replaying the game yesterday, and I noticed something I hadn't before. In episode 3 after you plan on rescuing Ryon or getting rid of

  • I was thinking the Maester was getting beat because he was the traitor and wasn't giving Gryff all the information he knew, maybe the Maester was having second thoughts about betraying the Forresters.

    Pydron posted: »

    If the theory that the Maester is the older brother of Gryff (the one who went to the citadel) was true, than he could be the traitor. The b

  • I think you've a point

    I was thinking the Maester was getting beat because he was the traitor and wasn't giving Gryff all the information he knew, maybe the Maester was having second thoughts about betraying the Forresters.

  • My guess is Ortengryn.

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