Can I buy Episode one without buying the whole pack?

I am wondering if I can buy the first episode of the Tales of Monkey Island without buying the whole pack? I just dont have the money right now to buy the whole nine yards at the moment. Thanks in advanced.


  • edited July 2009
    Yes you can! So go get it already!
  • edited July 2009
    Yes you can! So go get it already!

    Well I've tried that and there's no option for me to click on. Its all ways taken me back to the buy the whole pack page.
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah.. Come on TTG I want to buy the first episode... I do not have the full $35 right now.... I do have enough for an episode though.

    Or at least someone from TTG address this issue in one of the many threads of people asking about it... If its not going to be an option tell us.
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2009
    Oh mighty 8-ball, what say you?

    Try again later

    I think TT will add that option later (Buy one episode) and complementing that the Upgrade option.
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