
Very dissapointing. I expected some choice from Telltale like being romantic to Fiona or to Sasha. But we literally didn't even get the choice to reject the romance option with Sasha at all. No matter what you picked, she always goes with Rhys or after him and every scene has something romantic in it. I knew TTG doesn't do the "choices tailor your experience" anymore but this is beyond annoying


  • There has been no indication that either of them have a thing for each other, especially in the present time they don't like each other very much. Whereas depending on your choices, there is indication that Rhys has a thing for Sasha since the 1st episode. This is the relationship Telltale decided to build, this isn't an RPG where you can decide the characteristics of the character you're playing as.

  • How do you think relationship between Rhys and Fiona would be built, really? You can't have them in the same action sequence, since they're both protagonists and both need control. It would be like talking to yourself and then replying to yourself.

    Relationship with Sasha has been built since Ep. 1 and they have a lot of chemistry :)

  • I love Rhysha to death, but you are absolutely right.

    The dialogue for those who chose to get romantic with Sasha were spot on. But they really needed to add more platonic options for the sake of those who don't ship it, and as a result make those these a lot less awkward.

    Maybe change the "romantic" music to just "awe" or "wondrous" of the strange jungle environment.

    So, to sum up, Telltale did good in their options for those who wanted romance with Sasha, but didn't do so hot in the field who wanted nothing to do with her.

  • Trust Fiona beginning.

    armis37 posted: »

    How do you think relationship between Rhys and Fiona would be built, really? You can't have them in the same action sequence, since they're

  • Are you talking about the time Stranger asked why did Rhys trust her? So you imagine their whole relationship should be built on one-liners? No offense, but it's a fact - Rhys and Fiona can't talk to each other for long. It'd be like talking to yourself.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Trust Fiona beginning.

  • No, Im talking about the whole scene you get if you trusted Fiona. You weren't swapped between Rhys or Fiona, you played as Fiona and interacted with Rhys, and it was nice.

    armis37 posted: »

    Are you talking about the time Stranger asked why did Rhys trust her? So you imagine their whole relationship should be built on one-liners?

  • Like in every other sequence. You control one of them (or even no one). As simple as that. Also, it's not like we're talking about Bioware level of romance here, it's just a couple of phrases that won't even affect anything outside the dialogues.

    armis37 posted: »

    How do you think relationship between Rhys and Fiona would be built, really? You can't have them in the same action sequence, since they're

  • I did that, and I still agree with Armis. Having both protaganists be in a relationship together is weird. Not would they be seperated from the group, but so far there has been little to no romantic gestures the two, where as with Sasha there has been a bunch, starting with the scene underneath the arena back in Episode 1. Having Telltale start creating a romantic relationship between them with only 2 episodes to go, it would only feel unnatural, escpecially since they have been grumpy towards eachother from the get go, still giving you options like 'I don't know these people' and stuff like that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No, Im talking about the whole scene you get if you trusted Fiona. You weren't swapped between Rhys or Fiona, you played as Fiona and interacted with Rhys, and it was nice.

  • There's no real reason why it "can't be done" other than the fact that TT don't want to do that and decided that Sasha will fill the role.

    Cyanistic posted: »

    I did that, and I still agree with Armis. Having both protaganists be in a relationship together is weird. Not would they be seperated from

  • I agree it was fun, but I was talking about longer dialogues between them being quite impossible, since they're both you. :) Interactions you mentioned are nice and easy because they don't require you to respond, they can carry on based only on the character's already established traits.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No, Im talking about the whole scene you get if you trusted Fiona. You weren't swapped between Rhys or Fiona, you played as Fiona and interacted with Rhys, and it was nice.

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah. I guess it's a similar character dynamic to what was going on in TWAU; no matter what you do, Bigby is attracted to Snow. It's a definitive character trait that both Bigby and the player don't have much control over.

    I love Rhysha to death, but you are absolutely right. The dialogue for those who chose to get romantic with Sasha were spot on. But they

  • And I totes agree with Telltale that she fits it perfectly. It's not a dating simulator, to begin with. And I'm sure that TT has good reasons why they don't want Fiora and Rhys having romantic Chemistry. And from what I have seen in my playthrough, they strike me more as close friends than anything more. Where as the relationship between Sasha and Rhys is more ambigious and open for interpretation ^-^

    DeityD posted: »

    There's no real reason why it "can't be done" other than the fact that TT don't want to do that and decided that Sasha will fill the role.

  • Agreed. Though he was handsome enough to get all dem dansels, he was a one woman man. ^-^

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah. I guess it's a similar character dynamic to what was going on in TWAU; no matter what you do, Bigby is attracted to Snow. It's a definitive character trait that both Bigby and the player don't have much control over.

  • They always could. The ending of Episode 2 swapped back and forth between Rhys and Fiona and you talked to each other, and like I said, the whole scene you get if you trust Fiona.

    armis37 posted: »

    I agree it was fun, but I was talking about longer dialogues between them being quite impossible, since they're both you. Interactions you

  • Whereas depending on your choices, there is indication that Rhys has a thing for Sasha since the 1st episode.

    Depending on my choices.

    Then why do the romance options keep showing up in episode 3 if in episode 1 I let it be known to her that I didn't want to have any sort of relationship. I didn't get any sort of romantic vibe from her in episode 1 so why aren't Fiona and Sasha on the same playing field?

    There has been no indication that either of them have a thing for each other, especially in the present time they don't like each other very

  • What makes everyone think the next episode won't be rhyiona focused? Especially when the options between Rhys & Sasha were optional.

  • edited June 2015

    Because forcing things upon thee

    Green613 posted: »

    Whereas depending on your choices, there is indication that Rhys has a thing for Sasha since the 1st episode. Depending on my choice

  • edited June 2015

    Well, good luck with that. I stand by what I said already about it being like talking with yourself.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They always could. The ending of Episode 2 swapped back and forth between Rhys and Fiona and you talked to each other, and like I said, the whole scene you get if you trust Fiona.

  • Because it would be inconsistent to the storytelling to have the two randomly create a liking to the other when nothing in the game has even suggested anything like it?

    I mean, sure, it's not up to me, but if they want to fill a 2 hour episode with a whole new relationship blooming up, I'd really doubt they will have enough time to finish up the story with 1 episode left without horribly rushing it.

    What makes everyone think the next episode won't be rhyiona focused? Especially when the options between Rhys & Sasha were optional.

  • Very good points :)

    Cyanistic posted: »

    Because it would be inconsistent to the storytelling to have the two randomly create a liking to the other when nothing in the game has even

  • I mean yeah it would be weird having them build it now, but how did people think it was going to go down in the first place? You need to pick between Fiona & Sasha? That's a worse idea than doing two different episode for the relationships if you ask me, Because you don't really know how close the characters can be until they are both alone with each other.

    Cyanistic posted: »

    Because it would be inconsistent to the storytelling to have the two randomly create a liking to the other when nothing in the game has even

  • Because controlling both characters and making them fall in love wouldn't be forcing people together at all. The logic of some people. Sure, there would have been a choice, but would it be really satisfying to see it happen if you knew you basically shipped yourself with yourself?

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