Who did you take to Highpoint?

Your Sentinel? Or your Non-sentinel? Including/Excluding the Glenmore Soldiers?

I took the Glenmore Soldiers and Ser Royland (As my Sentinel) :)


  • The first time I took Duncan, my Sentinel, and didn't take the Glennore soldiers.

  • edited June 2015

    I took duncan ( my sentinel ) and the glenmore soldiers because i knew something bad is going to happen when i leave and didn’t want the glenmore soldiers to die or whatever.

  • I took Duncan (not sentinel) and the glenmore soldiers because I needed somebody who knows diplomacy and protection from what I thought would be a second red wedding.

  • I took Duncan and leave the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath because I trusted Ludd Whitehill not killing a guest in his own home, but he went crazy about what happened to Gryff so...

  • I took Duncan (My sentinel) and brought the glenmores I only brought Duncan because Royland was the one person I trusted to be at Talia's side and defend Ironrath.

  • i took duncan and the soldiers with me

  • I took Duncan my sentinel and i didn't take the glemores because they said they just wanted to talk and negotiate so i didn't fill like bringing an army would be a honorable thing especially for (what i thought in the moment) was just negotiation. although i am kinda scared i will regret it since when you get home everyone's gone and there's blood on the street.

  • Ser Royland my sentinel and the soldiers of course! I'm surprised so few people picked Royland as sentinel and so few brought the soldiers to highpoint. I noticed only like 5 soldiers go with you so like 15 stayed to guard ironwrath (or betray ironwrath its hard to tell at this point) anyway so why not. 

  • edited June 2015

    In my (golden) playthroug I took with me Royland as my sentinel and Glennmore soldier to show Ludd that it is his time to bow.

  • I took Ser Royland ( not my sentinel Duncan ) and no soldiers.Royland can protect lady Forester and Duncan with soldiers can defend house.As I see now,TAKING SOLDIERS WITH ME WOULD BE WAY MORE USEFULL

  • I took my Sentinel Duncan and the Glenmore soldiers!

  • I took my sentinel Royland and left the Glenmore soldiers. I didn't want to forfeit Ironrath again but it looks like I made a big mistake.

  • I took my sentinel Duncan and the Glenmore soldiers, I wonder where Ser Royland go while I was away.

  • I took royland and all the soldiers cause i thought you could burn down highpoint to the ashes

  • I took my Sentinel Royland and left the Glenmore soldiers.

  • I took my sentinel Duncan and left the Glenmore soldiers at our keep. Figured Duncan and I could talk our way out of any situation that popped up, which we did, and I thought leaving Royland with a bunch of soldiers would leave us in the best possible position. Guess not though...

  • I assume no matter whoever you want to stay at Ironrath, this person is doomed to disappear at the end of the Episode 4 after Rodrick's coming back home from the Whitehills. Aren't I wrong?

  • I took Royland, my Sentinel, and left the soldiers, which I regret.

  • I took Duncan as he's my sentinel, and I thought it'd make sense to leave Royland to defend Ironrath as he's the more combat-inclined of the two. I intend to replay the Ep and take the guards with me this time, since it's pretty obvious that Ramsey kills them if they're left at home.

  • Taking the soldiers is the smart thing because when you come back instead of the elite guard being slaughtered they are alive and well :D

  • I took my sentinel Duncan because I thought he'd be more useful while talking to the Whitehills. Plus I wanted to leave my sister and Ironrath well protected, which is why I left Roland and the Glenmore soldiers behind. Apparently though, that choice didn't matter since I came back to a deserted-looking town anyway with that Snow bastard scaring my sister!

  • I took Royland (not my sentinel) and left the soldiers at Ironrath.

  • I took Duncan and left the Glenmores back at Ironrath with Royland (my sentinel.) I wanted to leave Ironrath well defended. I really thought it was terrible that Lord Gregor left Ironrath defenseless and I didn't want to repeat his mistake. Evidently, with Ramsey and his plot-armour that choice didn't matter much.

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