Best Episode - GoT edition

For me it goes

Episode 3 - I loved everything about this episode. Awesome opening and ending sequence, Mira's scenes were really good and showed more of how King's Landing/playing the game is like, and Gared's story picked up a lot - 9/10

Episode 1 - I thought this was an awesome opener. I wasn't sure what to expect but I was really happy with how Telltale captured the world of Game of Thrones so well, and it got me excited for the rest of the series - 8.5/10

Episode 2 - I thought it was a bit weaker than Episode 1, mainly because it seemed to go by a lot faster but I still loved it - 8/10

Episode 4 - I was underwhelmed and a bit disappointed by this episode. Maybe this is my own fault since I couldn't play it for a couple days after it launched and I kept seeing reviews on Telltale's Twitter with headlines saying "best episode yet" and "full of action" but when I eventually played it I thought it wasn't that impressive. Still a good episode tho - 7/10


    1. Sons of Winter
    2. The Lost Lords
    3. The Sword in the Darkness
    4. Iron From Ice
    1. 2
    2. 3 and 4 tied
    3. 1
  • 1- Episode 4 - Best Mira scenes, Beshka was awesome, Rodrik finally hurt Gryff
    2- Episode 1- Set up the characters really well and took away a character that i was starting to like
    3- Episode 2- Introduction of Asher, Beshka, Rodrik, Gared getting to the Wall.
    4- Episode 3- I didn't enjoy this as much as the others. still good but the worst of the best.

    1. The Lost Lords
    2. The Sword in the Darkness
    3. Iron From Ice
    4. Sons of Winter

    By no means are any of them bad; I know Ep2 is my favourite, but I kinda struggled to rank any of the others.

  • To be fair, the reviewers on Twitter say that about every episode. It's kinda annoying

  • edited June 2015
    1. Iron from Ice - Great introduction episode. Lots of action and great dialogue. Red Wedding was suspenseful and Ethan's death was shocking for me. Great politicking with Cersei and Tyrion.
    2. Sons of Winter - The scenes at Highpoint were amazing, kudos to Geoff Leesley as Ludd being amazing as usual. This episode also gave Ludd the much needed depth his character needed. Learning about the Whitehills via the painting was very well done. Gared's scenes were pretty interesting. Good dialogue with Finn and Cotter and very suspenseful (I find anything beyond the Wall suspenseful). Mira's scene at the coronation feast was very enjoyable, it was interesting that TellTale invented a Lannister, albeit a third cousin. Watching Andros' plans get foiled and his face turning red as a beet had me smiling, even though it'll most definitely mean more attempts on Mira's life in the future. Asher's scenes in Meereen were fun, I was glad Beskha got more development. I'm hoping Malcolm gets as developed as she did in this episode.
    3. The Lost Lords - Great introduction for Rodrik. Rodrik's meeting with Elaena was well done and Ludd barging in and taking our ironwood made me glad I had Rodrik vow to kill him. Asher was kind of underwhelming, but he had some pretty good action scenes. Mira's scenes were a little slow, but the politicking with Andros and Morgryn was interesting. The scene with Damien was predictable, but I'm glad we got the chance to kill him ourselves. Gared didn't have many scenes, but the dialogue with Jon Snow was interesting.
    4. The Sword in the Darkness - I thought this episode wasn't very interesting and weak in most parts. The best parts were Rodrik's scenes. Gryff was introduced nicely, he wasn't shown as being the cliché villain, thankfully. Mira's scenes were very droll and boring. The scenes at the wedding weren't very good in my opinion and Margaery was just a complete bitch. Gared's scenes were okay, the fight with Britt was suspenseful, but I feel TellTale could've done a much better job of explaining why he was sent to the Wall in the first place and maybe have given Britt a little more depth. Asher's scenes were meh. I do not like Daenerys and thought the episode ending with him meeting her was a very poor choice for an ending. It wasn't suspenseful, it was just abrupt and left me feeling disappointed.
    1. The Lost Lords
    2. Sons of Winter
    3. Iron from Ice
    4. The Sword in the Darkness
  • edited June 2015

    From best to worst:

    1. Sons of Winter: 9/10

    2. Sword in the Darkness: 7.5/10

    3. The Lost Lords: 6.5/10

    4. Iron From Ice: 6/10

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