Why Does Everyone Want To Trust...? *SPOILERS*



  • edited July 2015

    I'll just leave this here.this

    (game theory)

  • edited July 2015

    Well, I trusted Jack in episode two for the sole reason that he had a plan, unlike Fiona. There was a billion ways it could have gone wrong but he had a plan to get us out of this alive so I let him. And hey, in the end, no one died, Vaughn wasn’t paralized and I got Dumpy, so I’m cool with that.

    I agreed to an alliance because I don’t want to piss off the guy? Like, why would I want to piss off a psychopath mass-murderer that lives inside my head? Doesn’t seem like the smartest choice to me. I’m better off having him on my side for now, even though I know he’s gonna screw us over when he has a chance. In the meantime, we’re on good terms and he’s not threatening me.

    Honestly, I’ve seen playthroughs where Rhys doesn’t form an alliance with Jack and his reaction gave me chills. He’s scary when pissed.

  • I like his style.

  • bless u kind sir

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    I'll just leave this here.this (game theory)

  • He is Handsome Jack, and when it comes to killing who else are you going to trust? And not for nothing, the psychopath has been a man of his word in his own twisted sort of way. Like he said, he takes care of his team. If you play through the games and if they are constant with his character, he is an evil bastard but comes by it honestly. The man pays you to kill yourself...and then pays up, because that's what heroes do.

  • I don't think I have a reason to not trust him, though. Maybe that's because I haven't played the first-person shooter games, but anyway.

    I find him trustworthy because to prove that trust, he literally asked Rhys to let him enter his system. He didn't just outright do it. He tried to gain his trust first, to show Rhys that he wouldn't betray him.

  • Jack is a very bad person but a very cool villain.

  • if you played through the games another thing is also clear; Jack gets the job done. His methods are...questionable...but vault hunters hunt for vaults, Jack gets the bad boys open. Yeah or nae, he has opened three of them sos if you want it done Jack is the man. You just have to chose how many eggs you are willing to crack in a wild eye, yoke splattering,massacre to get what you want.

    Well, I trusted Jack in episode two for the sole reason that he had a plan, unlike Fiona. There was a billion ways it could have gone wrong

  • I got the feeling that Jack asked Rhys for permission because at that time he couldn't enter his sub-systems withought Rhys allowing him to and not because he's such a nice guy.

    I don't think I have a reason to not trust him, though. Maybe that's because I haven't played the first-person shooter games, but anyway.

  • It just makes for a better story imo (Jack slowly taking over Rhys and stuff like that)

  • Because it's HILARIOUS to such an amazingly stupid thing.

  • My choices are not even showing up on the website, for some reason.@_@

    It's about the same on the PS4 at least, and almost the same exact number for the 'tentative alliance'. Kinda unrelated, but do the addit

  • Exactly! This is what I've been saying! The AI Jack is slowly becoming his own character, and I really hope Telltale doesn't waste that.

    Yeah Jack was little bit of a bastard but dont forget that this isnt Jack, it is just AI and from what I ve seen so far he is very different

  • But is not Jack also one of your comrades?D :

    Pabster23 posted: »

    I trusted fiona in episode 2 because i've been watching naruto alot lately and an on going thing they say is trust your comrades so i truste

  • Jack did not try and push me out a caravan to my death after conning me!D :

    Morloki posted: »

    Well, let me put this way, when playing/reading/watching something I tend to see the characters on 2 ways: 1- Would I like this person on

  • Which one? He has two different reactions to you not trusting him on top of the caravan, depending on whether or not you trusted him or Fiona at the Atlas facility.

    Well, I trusted Jack in episode two for the sole reason that he had a plan, unlike Fiona. There was a billion ways it could have gone wrong

  • He did try to rip Rhys's throat out though.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Jack did not try and push me out a caravan to my death after conning me!D :

  • I don't see how he wasn't able to since once Rhys allowed him, he did it so easily without complication.

    I got the feeling that Jack asked Rhys for permission because at that time he couldn't enter his sub-systems withought Rhys allowing him to and not because he's such a nice guy.

  • The rejection on the top of the caravan gets ascary. Jack does not handle rejection well when he is offering what he would consider a gift. When a psycho gives you a dead bird in a box, you accept it graciously. Then wait until they leave the room to call the cops.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Which one? He has two different reactions to you not trusting him on top of the caravan, depending on whether or not you trusted him or Fiona at the Atlas facility.

  • Yeah, but which one are you referring to? There are two different versions of the rejection scene. One I find more sad than scary.

    The rejection on the top of the caravan gets ascary. Jack does not handle rejection well when he is offering what he would consider a gift.

  • Good and evil is very bad concept. Nothing and nobody is truly good nor evil. That is why Game of Thrones is so popular becuase there are no heroes and villains, just people. My point is - Yeah Jack is little bit sociopathic but honestly who wouldnt be if you lived at the planet like Pandora.

    tyler8160 posted: »

    He did try to rip Rhys's throat out though.

  • I'm not sure. It is Rhys body so maybe he was able to block Jack in some way. The scene in episode 3 when Rhys falls and loses consciousness seems to support it. If you sided with Jack allowing him to get in Rhys sub-systems he has no problem taking over Rhys body. If you sided with Fiona he can't do that.

    I don't see how he wasn't able to since once Rhys allowed him, he did it so easily without complication.

  • True. Maybe it is a technical thing.

    I'm not sure. It is Rhys body so maybe he was able to block Jack in some way. The scene in episode 3 when Rhys falls and loses consciousness

  • I never thought Jack was evil, just an extremist.

    Good and evil is very bad concept. Nothing and nobody is truly good nor evil. That is why Game of Thrones is so popular becuase there are no

  • Afaic, there are two extremist sides in this conflict - Hyperion vs Pandora, or rather - Handsome Jack vs bandits.

    Personally, I support Jack.

    tyler8160 posted: »

    I never thought Jack was evil, just an extremist.

  • I "trusted" Jack because I'm Rhys, Jack is my idol, I want to be like him (yes, I'm a idiot). Also, I don't want to die and upset Jack seems to be the best way to everyone dies.

  • The only one I've seen with you accepting his help and rejecting his offer. So the one where he talks about always trying to do the right thing and getting slapped around for it. It's scary because I'm not sure if he is really opening up to Rhys about how he feels about what is happening, or he is just using guilt. Not being sure of his motivation is scary to me.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Yeah, but which one are you referring to? There are two different versions of the rejection scene. One I find more sad than scary.

  • edited July 2015

    Yes, that's also the one I was refering to. Because he's really pissed. He feels betrayed and that's not good news at all.
    But the other one's not as scary. Jack doesn't feel betrayed, he kinda plays it cool. That "enjoy that body while it's still yours" is definitely a passive agressive threat but yeah.

    The only one I've seen with you accepting his help and rejecting his offer. So the one where he talks about always trying to do the right th

  • Well, if you trust Fiona, he can still only control the arm.

    DeityD posted: »

    Who's everyone? 75% trusted Fiona. But also, I understand that there are a lot of fun options with his choices, but we do remember

  • I found my true love the moment I listened to the Helena Pierce audio logs

    You are a strange, strange person.

    Well, the stats for TFTB seem to show the majority of players actually chose Fiona, so it's by no means 'everyone' that chose Jack. That sai

  • So... your point? That he won't be able to control Rhys in the future if we won't let him do so? Maybe. Maybe not. If I were Rhys, I would not want to find that out. He's still dangerous.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Well, if you trust Fiona, he can still only control the arm.

  • Why, thank you. ;)

    LeFedore posted: »

    I found my true love the moment I listened to the Helena Pierce audio logs You are a strange, strange person.

  • Realistically rhys would trust him, but in my playthrough I did not. I play the BL games, so I know all about him. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's narcissistic, fascist, genocidal, and has no real interest in REALLY saving or helping anyone or anything. He's the embodiment of absolute indifference.

    Yes, he had a plan, yes siding with fiona was a long shot to an extreme, but I wouldn't in my main playthrough. Given the chance I'd put him down again without hesitation.

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