Disc Issues

Hello, obviously new here so I am sure there are a few other threads covering this. My biggest fear is spoilers so excuse the annoyance of a repost.

Anyways! My disc won't work. I Google this issue and found the typical solutions. I deleted the first episode that I'd downloaded as a trial. I cleared my system cashe. I deleted to about 10% of my system storage. I disconnected from Live. Now the game won't even leave the loading screen. Absolutely terrified my system was suddenly dying, I've played a mutltide of other games to ensure my system is properly working. Does anyone have any other suggestions then the ones listed above? I adored the Walking Dead games and have been waiting to snatch up a Wolf Among Us on disc for a while (call me old fashioned). Is downloading it the only way it will work? I can't just return the game and get my money back... past the "free refund" window.

Thamks in advance!

  • SD


  • Which platform are you experiencing this error on? Xbox 360 or Xbox One? I can move this post to the Support section where Telltale staff can help you once I know what platform section to move this thread to.

  • Just saw there was a support forum. Sorry, I swear the older I get the less observant I am (and that's sad because I'm not even close to old haha). It's for the 360.

    Which platform are you experiencing this error on? Xbox 360 or Xbox One? I can move this post to the Support section where Telltale staff can help you once I know what platform section to move this thread to.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @SmartDevil92 I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you have experienced. It appears that you have tried all of our potential solutions to resolve the issue already. If the suggestions you mentioned did not resolve your issue, we have had multiple reports from users stating that they were able to improve the framerates of their Xbox 360 disc versions by starting an episode, then pausing the game and waiting 5-10 minutes to allow the game to cache. Then unpause the game, and the hitching/lagging issue you are experiencing in the game should be lessened, if not completely resolved.

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