
I remember in one of the episodes someone said that the Lannisters have spies everywhere. Do you think there were Lananister spies hiding in Whitehills army at Ironwrath? Could this help Mira?


  • Why would Lannister spies want to help Mira?

  • The information the spies gather could convince the lannisters to help favor house forrester or to not help them. It could go both ways actually. I wouldn't doubt there were at least one spy there.

    Why would Lannister spies want to help Mira?

  • edited July 2015

    I'm pretty sure they meant that there are Lannister spies everywhere in King's Landing. The Lannisters are a southron house and don't have a very significant presence up north. If the Lannisters are given any information from the north it would probably be because Varys decided to tell them.

  • It's an interesting theory. Everything is possible in GoT so I ques it could be true.

  • White people deserve to be black people's slaves!!!!! I will make a white cunt suck my black cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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