Ironwrath's Gate

How do you guys believe Ironwrath's gate opens? Do you believe that it's just an automatic opening gate or that somebody opens it on their own? I ask this because numerous times throughout the game the gate opens unexpectedly. For example when you meet choose to meet ramsay at the gate, I believe if you choose the dialogue "why are you cold?" as to the reasoning why you haven't let him in, he replies and the gate just miraculously opens. Ethan even looks concerned when this happens. Another scenario is obviously when you let him in the great hall and somehow all of his garrison get in, and the way he signals his hand and speaks of them as his troops enter, he knew that the gate was opened. The last scenario is obviously when you arrive to an empty Ironwrath when returning from Highpoint. You'd think that some 20 glenmore archers plus some dozen small folk guards could lock up the gate and wait for Rodrik and company to return. So I wonder, how has the gate been opening, who's been doing it, and are they the traitor?

I suppose also this could just be some minor think that Telltale just had happened and doesn't really feel the need to explain. If that's the case, the gate is non-important.



  • edited July 2015



    but going back to the topic, it might be a plot hole

  • That's an interesting observation...

    Logically the gates should open from the inside within Ironrath, but if Ethan doesn't authorize its opening then someone else does so without his consent, maybe the guards were afraid of angering Ramsay and his Bolton men.

  • edited July 2015

    It's the traitor

  • Go to about 1:35 and watch Ethan's facial expression. He looks concerned and kind of surprised the gates opening.


    The gate was obviously opened from the inside so not by the Whitehill soldiers, Ethan doesn't give any verbal order to have the gate opened, though Ramsay does 'thank' him for opening the gates - NO!

    Look at Duncan - he's the one who gives the nod to open the gates.

  • That's kind of far fetched, the gate is silently ordered open by either Duncan or Royland depending on who Ethan chose as Sentinel.

    It's the traitor

  • There is one small problem. This did not happen in every playthrough, ergo: It's not going to be important.

    Harian96 posted: » The gate was obviously opened from the inside so not by the Whitehill soldiers, Ethan doesn't give any verba

  • In the alternate playthrough where Ethan meets Ramsay in the Great Hall its already been decided that Ethan won't meet Ramsay at the gates, hence why in the alternate walkthrough the gates would automatically open for Ramsay as Ethan as given his consent through his decision of meeting him in the Great Hall.

    Though I should definitely look up footage of Ethan making Ramsay wait at the gates with Royland as his sentinel and see if he also silently nods for the gates to open...

    TheLier posted: »

    There is one small problem. This did not happen in every playthrough, ergo: It's not going to be important.

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