Thanks TTG! [spoilers]

Excellent game!

- I love whoever came up with the idea of hinting when the adventure is about to end so an episode just not quits in your face. That concept worked really well in Sam and Max as well.
- I liked the controls, still prefer Sam and Max's, but this definetly worked.
- I liked the intro-part, got me into the controls. Very pedagogic.
- Graphics were definetly satisfactory, Guybrush looks great.
- Laughed more than in the previous 4 games combined so well done there.
- I'd like individual dialogued answers but whatever really, I never was a big dialogue fan anyways.
- Character-player interaction felt really good. Nice movements, life-like- very good!
- Puzzles were definetly too easy though, I basicly ran through the game without ever needing to think (ok, 5 minutes when I smoked). I definetly think you can crank it up several notches without upsetting anyone!
- Story was cool. I liked how you managed to tie together several loose strings from the previous games. Good work indeed.

All in all, feels like quality work from real fans. Can't wait for episode 2 and will be here, having five windows open, just mashing that F5 button- once again. Thanks!


  • edited July 2009
    - Puzzles were definetly too easy though, I basicly ran through the game without ever needing to think (ok, 5 minutes when I smoked). I definetly think you can crank it up several notches without upsetting anyone!

    Actually, now that you mention this, at the end of the 5 months, i would LOVE to see Telltale put in a few harder puzzles(like how MI did with 2 and 3) in all the episodes. For a price even. Would put the replayability up quite a notch.
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