Who is Gared's mother?

She's never been talked about in the game, and we know that Gared must have at least met her once or twice because she was around to give birth to his 8 year old sister.


  • She was cut from the game for some reason. There are references to her in unused audio, like this: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0uS5Sih8JxO

  • Gared's mother and his sisters mother might be two different people. I would like Gared to mention his mother maybe at some point Sylvi will tell a story about her mother then ask what Gared's mother was like.

  • she ded bro

  • Thanks for the audio! I guess it is also due to a plothole... lol

    Giraffehat posted: »

    She was cut from the game for some reason. There are references to her in unused audio, like this: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0uS5Sih8JxO

  • Some woman, no doubt. Most of them are.

  • Who cares? I mean she is just some pig farmers wife. Yes I am sure she was a great and loving women but that's it.

  • There's been a few theories like that Gared's mother is Lady Elissa Forrester, though that raises the question of Gared's little sister's mother.

    Could be a different mother, but who knows? Maybe we'll figure everything out in a later episode.

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