A BUG and a couple of things for the TEAM

First I must say it was a really great chapter, loved the art and humor in it.
And although for me it wasn’t the same without the Spanish voices, I adapted fairly quickly to the English ones.

There is one BUG I found (using the spoiler tag for it)
When I got the "unbreakable" bottle and went into town, and after knowing about the glass breaker horn, I used the bottle on the horn and although it gave the "cinematic" that you couldn’t take it, Guybrush still used it, but the horn was still on the wooden table next to the guy (so it looked like a duplicated item).
After I went into the ship and used the cannon I realized that was the way I should have been able to take the horn... so there is a bug in there.

Also I have a tiny suggestion to make, I REALLY didn’t like the black bars on top and bottom of the screen, it took quite a lot out of the game's view and they where too big (it actually gave me a headaque for some reason), I tried switching to a widescreen mode (1280x700 or something like that) and it expanded filling the whole screen although squished it it felt far better than seeing the black bars. (I think what is the point in having a 17" monitor if im going to play it as a 13" monitor anyway?)
Maybe if you had a widescreen off button would be nicer, or a 1024x768 without the bars setting... (well, I JUST WANT TO LOOK AT IT IN TRUE FULL SCREEN.)

The second thing is, I LOVED the art in the game, is there a way you may show those images outside the game? (like the davinci pirate, the Pirate hunting flyer, etc. )


  • edited July 2009
    I found this bug as well a couple of hours ago. I figured I'd wait until I finished the game reveal all the bugs I found. I only found 2 minor ones other than this one.
    I was able to make guybrush stop making his walking animation and just glide. I wasn't able to duplicate it, but then again I didn't spend much time trying to. When I did it, I was at the scientists lab at his door, he was in the forest(basically not on his porch) and I first tried to open the door and then looked at his sign by the door and some how Guybrush wouldn't do his walking animation until I left town.

    The other bug was in the finale when Guybrush is on the ship. I got his hand already stuck in the tar. I used the u-tube with the horn and guybrush stood up and broke the tube when he blew it and then sat down

    Again, nothing as major, but figured I'd point it out. It might not even be worth seeing as how it's already out.

    Thanks for bringing us a new Monkey Island Adventure. I can't wait for the next episode.
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