Character's age

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Had some fun on how old net with some characters,and while most of the suggestions looked fairly correct,apparently :
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Duncan is getting old

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Ethan is a lady

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And isn't the only one...

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Tom wasn't left out either.

Yet my favourite is
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If someone finds out something else about their age,you can discuss it here.


  • Alt text

    Apparently Talia is older than her mother :P

  • edited July 2015

    Ages of Characters:
    This excludes all TV Series characters.

    House Forrester:
    Gregor Forrester - 53 (at time of death) (†)
    Elissa Forrester (nee Branfield) - 45
    Rodrik Forrester - 25
    Asher Forrester - 22
    Mira Forrester - 20
    Ethan Forrester - 16 (at time of death) (†)
    Talia Forrester - 16
    Ryon Forrester - 8
    Ser Royland - 56
    Duncan Tuttle - 49
    Gared Tuttle - 21
    Malcolm Branfield - 50
    Maester Ortengryn

    House Whitehill:
    Ludd Whitehill - 52
    Lady Whitehill - 46 (at time of death) (†)
    Gwyn Whitehill - 22
    Karl Whitehill - 23 (at time of death) (†)
    Ebbert Whitehill - 22
    Torrhen Whitehill - 21
    Gryff Whitehill - 20
    Harys - 29
    Britt Warrick - 26 (at time of death) (†)

    The Wall:
    Frostfinger - 46
    Finn - 27
    Cotter - 23

    North of the Wall:
    Sylvie - 17

    Kings Landing:
    Sera Flowers - 20
    Tom "The Coalboy Piper's Son" - 18
    Andros - 40
    Rickard Morgryn - 39
    Lyman Lannister - 28
    Garibald Tarwick - 52

    Beskha - 27

  • I thought Talia and Ethan were twins...

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    Ages of Characters: This excludes all TV Series characters. House Forrester: Gregor Forrester - 53 (at time of death) (†) Elissa Forre

  • This just made my day! :D

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