Predictions for each character?

What do you guys think will happen to the POV's?

I think that Rodrik, Asher and his sellswords(whom he will hopefully get) is going to battle the Whitehills. They are going to win and the conflict will be ended after that because of a marriage between Asher and Gwyn.

Gared wont find the North Grove. He will be captured by wildlings, but when Stannis attacks he will be taken to Castle Black.

Mira will help Tyrion escape.


  • Rodrik is forced to watch someone he cares about flayed by Ramsay

    Asher arrives in westeros at some sort of port, with his sellswords. I believe that either beskha or Malcolm will be with you, the other will be dead.

    Mira hears advice from tyrion and then is made an offer from cersei to help Mira, but knowing cersei shell backstab you. Mira will have to choose between tyrion and cersei

    Gared will keep looking for whatever the fuck is in the north grove, but cotters sister knows that there's a shit ton of wights roaming through the haunted Forrest.

  • edited July 2015

    Rodrik dies attempting to protect the house and ensure its survival.Probably at the hands of Ramasay or due to a Red Wedding esque betrayal by Ludd. Maybe he's even killed by the traitor if It's Duncan, Royland or the Maester.

    Mira manages to save House Forrester with help from Kings Landing but is killed for her scheming. Possibly by Varys if Tom truly is a little bird.

    Gared finds the North Grove and manages to return whatever it is or is in it to Ironrath. He manages to avoid execution by the nights watch and takes his uncles place as adviser for the new Head of House Forrester...

    ...Talia. (Who also possibly has some level of relationship with Gared.) Being the last non disinherited Forrester she rises to head of the house and rules differently depending on how Ethan and Rodrik act, and what they teach her.

    And finally Asher arrives as the entire plot in Westeros is finished. It turns out Malcom doesn't have teleportaion powers and he took so long reaching Asher, and so long returning that his story takes place long after everything else is already done.

    Seriously though, Asher probably returns with the sellswords, fights of the Whitehills if they pull a Red Wedding style betrayal that kills Rodrik or otherwise in a simple final battle and saves the house with his army. Since he was disinherited he can't rule and leaves for other adventures, either with Malcom or Beshka, depending on who you got along with better. If you got along poorly with both he travels out into the world alone, with neither at his side.

  • All my theories are built on the assumption that there will be a Season 2.

    Cersei makes it look like Mira sold Tyrion out regardless of what you try to do, with her twisting your words in a way that it looks like Tyrion is guilty no matter what you said. Mira is taken out of the town shortly after by Tom's master. She doesn't reach Ironrath, her POV somewhere else (depending on who Tom's master is and who are they allied with) being saved for the next season.

    Rodrik survives, but is forced to watch Ramsay flay someone. If you harmed Gryff's eye, Ramsay takes one of Rodrik's eyes as a demonstration of "justice" for the Whitehills. Then he flays Gryff as a way of punishing the Whitehills for disobeying him (not delivering the ironwood he requested). That causes Ludd to kill Ryon. Rodrik ends up lord of a house that still stands, but head of a family that is completely broken. Elissa is driven mad because of her grief, and Talia is the only one Rodrik can count on. Eventually, the Glovers make contact.

    Asher doesn't get any mercenaries to help. Beskha dies in the fighting pit, and Malcolm dies shortly after. He tries to go back to Ironrath alone, but never makes it there. He remains in White Harbor for now, and we come back to him on the next season. He meets Lord Wyman Manderly, who will be a valuable ally on the next season.

    Gared finds the North Grove, but is caught before being able to cross the Wall back. He is executed for desertion, and so is Finn if you brought him with you. Cotter escapes with his sister and they go back to their people.

    Bonus theory: Rickard Morgryn is going to be important for Mira's story, and not in a good way. He just gives me a really weird Littlefinger vibe, but I don't know if Mira is his Sansa or his Ned yet.

  • edited July 2015

    Character predictions:

    Mira is still being shunned by Margaery. However, she's summoned by Cersei. She naturally knows about the dealings between her and Tyrion and asks for details as well as if there were any hints of him plotting to murder Joffrey. Here you'll have the option whether to confess that you were working with him to secure Ironwood or to just lie/deny any accomplished dealings with him. If you choose to reveal the secret, you can have the option to give her the Ironwood decree if you chose not to burn it (not sure what good that does but lol choices). Regardless of your decision, you're tasked with exposing more evidence or words from Tyrion and given a flagon of wine to loosen his lips. She's told she'll be rewarded with gold if she finds anything.

    However, unbeknownst to Mira, the wine is actually poisoned with the intention of killing Tyrion and if possible Mira, exacting revenge. If Mira didn't drink the poisoned wine as well, then Cersei would just plan to frame her for Tyrions murder if needed (also being kind of symbolic as to how Joffrey died). This would make sense canonically as Cersei has been shown to want Tyrion dead before the trial and is something which he suspects anyway. In his Tyrion-y ways, he deducts that the only way Mira managed to take wine with her to the cell is if she got permission from a higher up (i.e Cersei or Tywin) and refuses the wine out of suspicion. Here you can also have the option to confess your dealings with Cersei or to say nothing and try to gain Cersei's favour by gaining evidence. Tyrion being a nice guy won't ask you to defend him for the trial as the word of a handmaiden would basically mean nothing for him and essentially doom Mira. I'm not sure what would happen after the jail visit. I imagine another scene with Cersei would be needless. Maybe you're seen by Margaery leaving Tyrions cell and further disdain occurs. Judging by Cersei's tracking record, I wouldn't be surprised to see Mira backstabbed/arrested by the end of the episode forcing her to escape Kings Landing with the help of Tom and whoever he works for. We'll see though.

    Because of the general failure to control Beskha, Asher's given another chance by Daenerys to secure his mercenaries. He's asked to bring the liberated slaves firmly under Daenerys' safety and to quell the public executions of masters in order to... Publicly execute/crucify them. The freed slaves don't like the idea and believe Asher to be a master sympathiser despite Beskhas defence for him. He's tossed into the pit for sport and is forced to face several opponents and later on Beskha is thrown in the fray as well. Considering the reports of tears on Twitter, Beskha is somehow killed in the action. Asher downheartedly receives his men (after some slightly discontent words with the Khaleesi) and heads to Westeros with Malcolm in tow.

    Gared still wants to go looking for the North Grove. Sylvi explains that with the settling of Winter and the rumors of White Walkers that going north is a suicide mission and suggests they go south to take advantage of Mance Rayders imminent attack on the wall in an attempt to get south. Despite the arguments, Gared heads north only to be met with more wildlings who are drawn into a conflict with him. In the middle of the fight, Wights happen and he barely escapes.

    No clue what will happen to Rodrik. It could range from anything between dying and watching Ramsay dance over Gryffs flayed body. Or both at some point. Although I do think that Ramsay harming Gryff is too good to be true. I think that regardless of whether he's injured or not, Ramsay will send him back to Highpoint and the hostage trade will be off the table. I'm hoping that we get to inform him that the Whitehills are hiring an army behind his back, which may or may not backfire.

    General predictions:

    • Mira finds out who sent Damien to kill her. This will be revealed either by Cersei or Lyman (if he's still around). Whoever it is, I doubt it will be Andros. He's up to too much and is such an easy red herring. Plus I doubt he'd have the power/intrigue to organise/convince a guard to do it.
    • Mira is dealing with the consequences on whether she informed Garibald about Sera's heritage.
    • Mira is left friendless/allyless at the end of the episode and is forced to pull some godlike last minute political moves in the final episode.
    • Asher gets to Westeros via the power of Littlefinger Teleportation Inc.
    • Gared is separated from everyone and must travel alone at the end.
    • Gared finds the North Grove this episode. Final episode is him figuring out how to use it to help or finding out what its for.
    • Rodrik is constantly trolled by Ramsay who consistently waves around in his plot armour doing virtually everything on the darker side of the moral spectrum with zero consequences.
    • Rodrik finds out who the traitor is. In before its Duncan. Because surprise!
      Sorry in advance for the wall of text.
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