If Ramsay Flayed the Traitor?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Who has betrayed Rodrik's trust by secretly sending sensitive information to the Whitehills?

A). Duncan
B). Royland
C). The Maester
D). Lady Forrester

*please don't be Option D.

Ramsay is probably not going to end up killing Rodrik, he might maim him in some way but won't likely kill him.

He will however make an example of someone else to show them the price of disobedience. I'm wondering, what if the traitor is revealed and to demonstrate to House Forrester what happens to those disobedient, Ramsay flays them, warning he would do the same to members of House Forrester if they themselves ever became disobedient?

If Ramsay did decide to warn us of the price of disobedience by choosing to flay the traitor, how would you feel about this?
Me personally if its not Lady Forrester then I suppose I'd be quite content with it.


  • I also thought about it. Because we should have some Ironrath Pov before Asher come back home

  • edited July 2015

    I dont think Ramsay will flay or kill anyone at Ironrath. His father Roose is not stupid and probably knows all the houses and how they feel about the situation they are in. I think killing the Lord of house Forrester wasnt "his" plan and he was probably upset about Ramsays way to handle this situation. Roose will definetly not tolerate letting his son kill entire houses without his explicit order. What Roose definetly needs is the ironwood (weapons, ships etc), and without the Forrester craftsmen he wont get it. And since the Whitehills took all the ironwood trees (against Ramsays order) they are likely the ones who are in trouble. If anyone gets flayed it would be Gryff, to show Ludd what happens if you disobey "an order of the warden of the north".

    Ramsay will play his games with Rodrik, to scare him and to make sure he wont make more trouble, but he wont kill anyone. Roose couldnt allow that.

    But "if" Ramsay continues killing people of house Forrester this would just enhance the chances that Roose will get rid of Ramsay as soon as his son is born.

  • Ramsay won't kill Rodrick or anyone in house Forrester I'm guessing. Like you said, he's not that impulsive... But I agree he can kill the traitor for some reason, and that will depend on your decision. I would say the traitor is someone you really like and Ramsay will let you choose if you let him kill the traitor or not BECAUSE he wants to see how crazy you are and if you have the guts to do what needs to be done. You can't show weakness or he'll completly see your house as a weak one.

    N8eule posted: »

    I dont think Ramsay will flay or kill anyone at Ironrath. His father Roose is not stupid and probably knows all the houses and how they feel

  • The only thing I'd like to know from the traitor is why, what their reasoning is/was for betraying us before they die. If the traitor does die by Ramsay's hand I'll be pretty indifferent to it, just want to hear their motive first. I believe whole-heartily it's the Maester so it wouldn't bother me a bit being him.

    Although I'd still like to serve justice by my own hand and blade if possible.

  • Hmm while I like your idea of Ramsay possibly flaying the traitor and DLGR's idea that he might tell you to kill the traitor. I can't help but wonder...what if he doesn't flay the traitor? What if he does flay one of the council members only for us to discover later that they were innocent and the real traitor is still lurking! I also have to wonder how would Ramsay even know there is a traitor and how would he find out?

    I also think that he could possibly flay Gryff. Imagine that, after we have just succeeded in agreeing an exchange, Gryff for Ryon. Ramsay flays Gryff, because Ludd defied him.

  • Then we, Weekend at Berny's it! I am not having Ramsay screw things up for us just as they're going right! We'll sew his skin back on, prop him up on a horse, and discover who has the best ventriloquist skills! I refuse to lose Ryon again!

    Just need to craft some sunglasses...

    Hmm while I like your idea of Ramsay possibly flaying the traitor and DLGR's idea that he might tell you to kill the traitor. I can't help

  • What if Ramsay asks Rodrik to pick who to flay (out of the council members).

  • Well, I'm not gonna be surprised if Ramsay killed/Flayed someone at Ironrath. He is a psycho after all..

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