Feedback so far?
Just speaking for myself here...
Ive played all in all a good 2 hours. going to take a short nap first and then hurry back to save some more monkeys!
I really hope the puzzles get more difficult! so far nothing has really got the MI diesel driven puzzle solving machinery to start working but im keeping the hopes up
Ive played all in all a good 2 hours. going to take a short nap first and then hurry back to save some more monkeys!
I really hope the puzzles get more difficult! so far nothing has really got the MI diesel driven puzzle solving machinery to start working but im keeping the hopes up

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the scenery is amazing though, and i really like the voices. i actually quite like the control scheme as well. have to say, elaine never struck me as the 'damsel in distress' type so seeing her fully throwing herself into that role right at the start was a little disappointing. hopefully further 'tales' arent JUST centered around saving her, especially since number two started off just being about..well.. being a pirate and travelling around. and dont forget in number one she could (and did!) 'take care of herself'. though maybe thats one of the twists coming up?
anyway, looks really nice and i've played it way too little to properly judged. and hey, i pre-ordered so i've not only got the rest of this chapter but another 4 chapters to play through and enjoy before a final decision
but yeah.. as far as feedback so far, looks amazing, some ingenius touches, things are moving a bit slow and doesnt completely feel like MI yet but theres indications that will change (especially the blindfolded fight in the club, nice touch)
and... there you go! just to emphasise though, just this game existing is a dream come true so i'll be entering EVERY chapter no matter what with an incredible amount of enthusiasm and, possibly unfortunately, an incredibly high expectation. so we'll wait and see..