How would Mira die?

As someone who hasn't watched/Read Game of Thrones I'm curious how she would die in King's Landing. Would she just be straight up executed by Cersei or what?! Sorry for the newb answer.


  • edited July 2015

    Executed, hired assassin sent to kill her, a random priest that thinks she is a sinner sent by the devil makes her walk naked through King's Landing roads and she is "accidentally" killed.

    (Only could think of these 3 deaths, by now)

  • Cersei would either imprison and execute her for "treason" or have a more capable Lannister guard assassinate her and make her disappear.

  • Tom could kill her for whoever he works for once Mira outlives her usefulness.

  • She gets shanked.

  • Head on a pike.

  • I don't really think that Myra will be executed for helping Tyrion, at the time he is not convicted and it would be kinda unrealistic to kill a "suspected helper" before you kill the main supsect.
    That would leave assassins send from either a very angry Andros, or the Lannisters for the guard you killed.
    I think Tom will either betray us , regretfull if you were nice to him/spiteful if not, or will just stop helping us because we outlived or usefullness.

  • I'd think it would be clever to have Cersei strangle her. She would be strangled by whatever the High Valyrian word for big sister is. And they are both the eldest sisters of their respective families

  • At the age of eighty, with a cup of wine in her hand and Rickard next to her surrounded by bags of gold dragons.

  • This ^

    At the age of eighty, with a cup of wine in her hand and Rickard next to her surrounded by bags of gold dragons.

  • In King's Landing there are lots of "accidents" and "misteryous deaths" that are never unsolved... But if you are talking about the leagl way things are done in king's Landing she would be persecuted and then she would have a trial where a group of juries choosen by the crown would choose if she was guilty ir innocent. During that trial Mira could also ask for a trial by combant that basically means that what the juries say is worth for shit and the accusers (in this case Cersei) and the persecuted person (in this case Mira) would have to fight, or choose someone to fight representing them, to the death. If the accusers guy wins than the accused person will be set to be killed, if the accused perons guy wins then they are set free and considered innocent. This is really called a "trial by combat" and is supposed to let the Gods decide if the person is guilty or not, meaning that the Gods would let the right fighter win (but as everyone knows there are really no Gods and that's just a religous/political way of choosing a winner... Usually the crown has the best fighter (The Mountain most of the times)

  • I like the way you think.

    At the age of eighty, with a cup of wine in her hand and Rickard next to her surrounded by bags of gold dragons.

  • Cersei would just hand her over to Qyburn for one of his experiments.

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