How to use?

Hello there Telltale :)

Someone who is now on my ''Nicest People Ever'' list pre-ordered the Tales series. I didn't, cause I wanted to know first how the series are, I am a MI fan but also a little skeptic about 3D. So, he gave me te key for a free episode, wich he got from the pre-order. But now... how do I use it? I really don't know where and how :P

Thanks for the Help


  • edited July 2009
    Ay, found it. But know when I enter the serial I get an error message :(

    That's a pitty.... :(
  • edited July 2009
    You probably have to wait until individual episodes are available to use the free-game key. Even then it may be restricted to pre-ToMI games.
  • edited July 2009
    The good news is that you can play the demo...
  • edited July 2009
    Ay, thats true, better something than nothing. Have to wait till the monkey's are single then, or have to fight with my wallet to buy it :)
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