I haven't been able to bond with these characters much

Compared to The Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands, I feel like I'm not as emotionally invested in all of these characters as I should be at this point. In TFTB, I love both Rhys and Fiona, but I haven't been able able to bond with the 5 playable characters as much. Ethan for obvious reasons, Mira is okay, Gared is kind of meh to me, and even though everybody loves Asher, I don't really feel much for him. The only character I really feel for right now as a main character is Rodrick. Does anybody else feel this in a similar way?


  • I feel something like that, though I did bond with Mira. Asher, Rodrik and Gared are okay, but in all of their story lines, I grew more attached to non-playable characters than to them (Cotter, Finn, Talia and Beskha are my favourites. On Mira's story, I like Tom and Rickard Morgryn, but not nearly as much as I like her).

  • I feel more connected to the side characters than the main ones to be honest, but I still feel attached to the PCs. I feel closer to Beshka than I do to Asher, and I love Sera just as much as Mira. Rodrik is still my favorite as far as the Ironrath arc is concerned, though. I don't really like anyone in Gared's story, but the mystery and intrigue of the North Grove makes up for that imho.

  • I wish I could feel the same as you. I´m feeling attached to all of them, but I have a hunch that the fate of the Forresters will be really dire regardless of the players decisions.

  • Lucky you!

  • Cool, nice to know. Wanna know something about me? I had a sandwich for lunch today. Had ham and cheese. Was awesome

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Sadly I do have to say I somewhat agree with you. I'm not as attached to these characters as I want to be. Some of the side characters I find interesting, but I'm still not as attached as I want to be to these characters. I still find them enjoyable and most of their story lines are interesting though so there's that.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Suffering from the same thing over here. Which is a shame, really. I mean, there are some really great scenes, some moments that are pretty potent from an emotional standpoint, but I just don't get enough out of them; I'm not getting the full package, you know? Regardless, I still appreciate and respect the efforts they've made with this story, even if it hasn't personally clicked with me all that much. Episode 5 did manage to get me to tear up a little, so I'll give it that. I just wish I could get the full effect out of it, but what are you going to do?

    I don't know, but out of all of the recent Telltale series, this is the one that I've felt the most disconnected with. It's still good, but compared to the other titles, it just hasn't reeled me in to the same degree as Tales, Wolf, and TWD have, in terms of both story and characters.

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