A Rivalry. [Contains Episode 5 Spoilers.]

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Mm. Damn Duncan & Royland, yanno? They're kind of a real thorn in the side at some times when they bicker over plans with Ethan & Rodrik. I'd like to think though that their rivalry & intense ( That's saying it lightly though, no? ) dislike of each other stems from more than just their clashing ideologies.

This really contains a minor spoiler for Episode Five: A Nest of Vipers. But I'd like to address it regardless, even if it's so small.

But for both Duncan & Royland, Talia says to Rodrik, "He's like Family, Rodrik." & well; it's said for both of them. So, they became Forresters, not by blood but by their loyalty & their care for them. & well-- I doubt this will ever come up & I'm not asking Telltale or anyone to consider it, but I thought it was nice what I thought of, since there's some kind of connection between the Forresters & both men.

& Duncan says to Rodrik, "I knew you since you took your first breathe."

While Royland says to Rodrik, "I've known you since you were a boy."

Keep in mind that Royland came out of the Greyjoy Rebellion without his House, without his Family, & without a Home. So, I assume that Gregor found him & asked him to come to stay & work with them at Ironrath...

Beware, it gets a bit long.

I think they probably got along at first, maybe not well at all times since their personalities conflicted— Because Royland was probably extremely standoffish & broken when he arrived at Ironrath. But Gregor & Duncan would have wanted to help him regardless even when Royland told them that he hated being pitied. & I think before Gregor roped his kids into helping Royland to rehabilitate that they were okay with each other, with Duncan trying to help him, saying he didn’t understand what he had been through exactly but that he’d like to help him in any way he could.

But then Gregor got his kids to start helping Royland out & getting him to open up more. Gregor was doing everything to help fix him. & sending kids at Royland— Well. They were trying to make him feel less alone & lessen the lose of his family. So, the kids started paying more attention Royland, the Twins really more just following their Older siblings as they got curious & wanted to know about Royland. Then I think, it was Duncan feeling as if he was shoved to the sidelines, as if he was some toy to throw away when the shinier, newer model came along. & while it returned to normal later, he may have gotten jealous or seen Royland in another light, a wrong light, because it was him that used to be the one watching the kids in the Grove & playing with them & watching over them when Gregor & Elissa couldn’t.

Except Gregor & Elissa started handing off these duties more to Royland after he was brought to Ironrath, where he’d watch them play in the Ironwood Groves; if, at first, really getting extremely wistful as he watched them & disappearing for a while further into the Ironwoods before he’d return to take them back to Ironrath. Then he started getting roped into playing games with them & teaching Rodrik & Asher how to fight. He was being thrusted into a job he wasn't sure he was any good at, but the Forresters kept warming up to him despite his bid for peace & to be left alone. & slowly, it was Royland who started getting better; beginning to feel more comfortable around the Forresters kids & not minding when he’d have to carry the twins in his arms & have a sleeping Mira resting against his back as he carried the three of them back to Ironrath with Asher & Rodrik still somewhat playing with each other as they’d practice with their wooden swords. Beginning to smile again.

It was Royland who was becoming happy & feeling at home again. But Duncan felt like he was left in the cold.

So, Duncan might have gotten mad at being shunted aside & feeling like he was forgotten by the Forresters. & he confronted Royland about it. To which Royland clammed up about as he was used to doing when he was confronted with things he’s not really sure about or doesn’t like opening up about. It’s Duncan who instigates the fight by bothering Royland with his war torn nerves still frazzled somewhat & always being on high alert. They come stumbling out into the Middle of the Courtyard, swinging punches at each other, & even drawing swords because Royland feels threatened enough as he starts to sink into flashbacks about the Rebellions he’s been in & Gregor comes to break up the fight between them. Royland & Duncan are both a bit shamed. But Duncan more so realizing what he had done as Gregor lectures him about what he did & answering him about why Royland’s been handed so much of the dealings with the Kids. Royland’s had to be restrained because he couldn’t calm down & was suffering from his PTSD but Talia being little as she was, & a part of her fearlessness, is the one that calms Royland down in the end. "It’s okay, Roylie. It’s okay." Innocent voice & all, making him breakdown more to the point where he’s crying silently, in pain from the flashbacks he suffered.

& so, Duncan tries to find the time to apologize to Royland about what he did, the slight he didn’t mean to turn into a fight & all-- But when he encounters Royland, he doesn’t even deign to respond to him, other than to tell him "You made yourself quite clear, Tuttle; now Piss off before I do something I won't regret." Starting the real rivalry there as it sprouted from the roots of Royland’s arrival & "forced" induction into the Forrester Family.

Like I said, I don't expect this to be taken in any way. But I do like solid reasoning behind things. & while a clash of ideals can get people to go against each other pretty quickly, their rivalry has been around for a longer time than just at the beginning of the Game.


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