I'm Done

I'm so done. Seriously; having to leave behind either Rodrik or Asher has been the hardest thing I have had to do in my life (so far). I left Rodrik behind- hoping... praying that he'd make it out alive. But, who the fuck was I kidding? I'm done. I'm so fucking done. Rodrik is dead. Poor Elaena, poor Talia, poor Elissa.
Like, seriously.
Goddamn it Telltale!


Alt text

See you guys when Episode 6 comes out.


  • Yeah, i know that feeling, bro...

  • I respect your feeling but this still can't stop me from playing. If the Whitehills don't die, then I'm done

  • There were a whole lot of flaws and plotholes in the episode and THAT is what is going to stop you from playing ??

    That reminds me of all the Luke fangirls that broke loose from hell after his death... One even attempted suicide and wanted to sue Telltale or something for breaking her life lol. Ridculous...

    When Carley died I got depressed and I whined a LOT about how choices don't matter. I just mourned the shit out of her and kept playing, and it was worth it ! Just get over it people. Episode 5 plotholes aside, this is still GOT so don't expect Asher or Rodrick to fly out of there with a flying, rainbow farting unicorn...

  • Yeah, fuck this.

  • The funny thing is, is that the Whitehills plan to kill, Asher depends on all of his men walking out the gate before Rodrick and Asher do... Also how the hell does no one notice the Whitehill soldier? Despite the fact he has the Whitehill sigil on his chest, he has been occupying Ironrath for the past 5 episodes. lol.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    There were a whole lot of flaws and plotholes in the episode and THAT is what is going to stop you from playing ?? That reminds me of all

  • edited July 2015

    I guess that's Telltale for you... Asher or Rodrick could've very well sent a scout anyway which is a basic rule of warfare, especially when you know your enemy plans an ambush... (Well unlike Rodrick, Asher wasn't aware but still it was common sense to do so)

  • Dude, in case you haven't noticed, I'm kidding.

    I'm not actually "done". I loved the episode, and I'm loving the series. I'm not pissed that Rodrik is dead. I'm just sad because I lost a great character. This post is a joke, that's why I included the... "See you guys when Episode 6 comes out."

    I actually like when a main character is killed off in any piece of fiction. It shows that the creators aren't afraid to take risks.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    There were a whole lot of flaws and plotholes in the episode and THAT is what is going to stop you from playing ?? That reminds me of all

  • Oh then good bro ! As I said there are really people who take it over the edge for nonsense like that so I tend to take all those things to the same degree

    Fordee09 posted: »

    Dude, in case you haven't noticed, I'm kidding. I'm not actually "done". I loved the episode, and I'm loving the series. I'm not pissed t

  • edited July 2015

    Also, poor Ludd and poor Gwyn cuz Gryff is getting rekt! It doesn't matter if the eyes heal because a knife goes all the way through to the brain!!
    ...just joking, I play good. But there needs to be at least one cripple in the ironwoods and since Rodrik is gone... insert evil laugh here

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