I cried

Yes, I did. And I'm not ashamed.


  • I know... i cried like a baby for 10 minuts. It's not as shocking now, but back then... man... that was something...

  • I almost did. Unbelievably distressing. Probably the most evil, sadistic choice TT has ever given us. I just... I don't even know what to say. I'm at a loss for words. I never expected them to give you a choice between the two of them.

    Iron From Ice :c

  • Iron from ice, brother. Iron from ice...

    Alt text

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I almost did. Unbelievably distressing. Probably the most evil, sadistic choice TT has ever given us. I just... I don't even know what to sa

  • At least I still have Royland as Sentinel :L

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Iron from ice, brother. Iron from ice...

  • Same here. I'm glad i chose him, we need every man who can fight...

    Giraffehat posted: »

    At least I still have Royland as Sentinel :L

  • I can't believe he's gone. From the moment I saw him, he was my favorite character, and he just had to go and die.



  • Just thinking about it is setting me off. I don't think I've needed a drink so badly. At the start and definitely at the end, I cried so much; I'm surprised I didn't create a puddle...

  • I cried. Then I watched playthroughs because I wasn't capable of playing it again, and I cried more. Now my pillow is soaked through with tears, sweat and snot.

  • RIP Asher/Rodrik.. (Asher in my playtrough)
    Asher was my 2nd favorite protagonist and Rodrik was my #1.. If I could choose between Asher and ANY of the other protagonists I would choose Asher to live.. BUT NO, TELLTALE HAD TO GIVE ME THE HARDEST FREAKING DECISION OF ALL THEIR FREAKING GAMES! GOD!

  • Came home from a wonderful vacation in Croatia, was kinda sad, then I remembered there was a new episode, instantly became SUPER HAPPY. Now my evening is completely ruined. I cried like a baby. Man. Didn't even cry like this at the episode of the Red Wedding.

  • edited July 2015

    ME TOO. I was wearing headphones so I couldn't tell how loud I was grossly sobbing, but then my parents came in and asked me why I was crying.That was fun to explain.

  • My choice for survival was Asher... I figured the pit fighters would be less likely to fight given that Rodrik was a stranger and hadn't proved himself yet, and Beshka said she would follow Asher... that he was her family. So, without Asher around.... I questioned whether or not Beshka and the pit fighters would fight for Ironrath. Even tho I wanted Rodrik to survive most of all.... Ironrath needed the soldiers to defeat the Whitehills. I suppose between the 2 brothers only one could have survived in order to be Lord of Ironrath. I cried... at that moment. =(

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