The Show Characters are just frustrating

Not going to lie, the In-show characters not only feel super out of place but they are frustratingly annoying.
Ramsay's obvious Plot-Armor aside, it seems like talking/befriending any of them is just meaningless because we 1. Know their nature and 2. It goes nowhere if you try, and 3. Really doesn't seem believable anyway.

Being Friends with Margaery? Nope. Cersei? Well better stay away from her with a 10 foot pole. Tyrion's fate is Tyrion's fate he obv cant help you. Do the Dirty work for Dany? What is the point. Also you can cut out Jon Snow from Gared's entire story and nothing would change.
I feel like the writing would be so much better if these characters had more of a faint cameo like in TWD S1. The Game specific enemies are not only written better but they're written believably enough that they're a threat so I dont see why Ramsay had to suddenly drop by again and be like "Hey, gonna wreck stuff up cuz your already wrecked," when he's fine appearing in Ep 1 and not appearing again after setting the stage. (the In-show cameos feel much better if they were only reoccuring in say, Mira's storyline )

Anyone else feel the same way?


  • edited July 2015

    Yes. I was okay with Snow (of the Jon variety), but yeah he wasn't really needed. I liked how they implemented the characters in Mira's story (as you said) but Ramsay's abuse of plot armour was frustrating. I feel that the choice to stab him was just a way to mock us. I never like seeing Dany. Ever.

  • It's faithful to the TV series. They don't matter in that either.

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