The North Grove - What could it do?



  • maybe reviving Ethan would be an option

  • the final choice of episode 6 would be:
    who do you revive?
    Ethan,Asher or M lord forrester

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    I really hope not he was my favourite character in the beginning now he's only just below Rodrik. I think Gareds quest will be rewarding in

  • If it can revive a fallen forrester
    then i dont known who i would choose:
    Asher,ethan or lord forrester????

    Yeah, I have no idea what the end game is with the North Grove shit. Say they find it, which presumably they will. Like, they have to rig

  • Going on a limb here and using my imagination. What if the title of the episode "Ice Dragon" is literal and there is in fact an ice dragon guarding the North Groce hence why Sylvi stated it was "safe?" The North Grove in itself can be a forest with a good supply of ironwood trees that can help restore those that were given/taken from the Forresters' keep, allowing the family to have a way of surviving through their only livelihood.

    It would be amazing if Gared were to pull a Daenery's move like in Season 5 when she escapes the fight between her men and the Sons of Harpy and rides off with Drogon. Yet instead Gared would use the ice dragon to reach Ironwrath (or wherever the battle between House Forrester and House Whitehill takes place) and lends a major hand to his family during the final battle between the two houses.

  • 'it's game of thrones' doesn't stop it from being creepy and strange in 2015.

    TJP623 posted: »

    It's game of thrones

  • Whatever it is, it won't be of any use to the Forresters unless it can walk, talk and fight.

    If it's just an Ironwood forest, it's use is practically zero. What is Gared gonna do after he finds the ironwood? How can he bring it back to Ironrath, considering that there is the Wall between them, and the grove is well inside Others' territory? Plus if Gared gets any south from the Wall, the Night Watch is gonna hunt him down like an animal for his desertion.

    So basically, if Gared wants to have his actions matter, there'd better be something in the north grove that can actually help

  • I would love this but an ice dragon would be too significant for it not to be mentioned in the show or books, someone would have seen Gared riding the dragon towards ironwrath

    Ortengryn posted: »

    Going on a limb here and using my imagination. What if the title of the episode "Ice Dragon" is literal and there is in fact an ice dragon g

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