Who tops your "hit list" (Episode 5 Spoilers)




    Clemenem posted: »

    The Telltale Glitch Detection Crew

  • I was just following procedure...

    Forsoothe posted: »

    * Lard * Gryff * Gryff's fur-faced fuckboy * Gwyn * Torrhen/Ebbert/Any other Whitehill * Ortengryn. Dude was checking out my manhood.

    1. Gryff
    2. Ludd
    3. The beard man
    4. Ramsay Snow
    5. The retards who follow Gryff
  • Ramsay f*ing Bolton. Gryff and Ludd will follow him. Fk the plot armor.

    1. Gryff

    2. Gryff's buddies

    3. Any Whitehill's (minus Gywn, she cool.)

    4. Andros

    5. All the canon characters I want to kill

    6. Anyone who gets in my way.

  • Hit List (Giggity):

    1. Eleana

    2. Gwyn

    3. Sera

    4. Mira

    Actual hit list:

    1. Harys (I think that's his name)

    2. Gryff

    3. Ludd

    4. The annoying King's Landing guard

    5. Any Whitehill in battle

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