Whoever wrote that ending is evil :,(

I know it's already been talked to death on these forums but that ending to episode 5 had to be one of the most gut wrenching choices I've ever made on a telltale game. I was brought to manly tears because I had loved both Asher and Rodrik but I had to leave one to die... I had to pause the game and I sat there for about an hour deciding but ultimately and very painfully I chose Asher to stay because it didn't seem to be in Asher's nature to run from a fight even if it meant death as long as he protected his family. All I know is that the Whitehills will pay. First Ethan and now Asher.


  • The writers may be evil, but they sure do know how to make an episode end.

  • No, it was cheap and lazy writing. They knew the Whitehills would be there, yet didn't see them doing that? What? What? Are we serious TT? What's the point of keeping the spy alive then if you're just going to doom them anyway?

    Terrible writing.

  • We all have different opinions. I personally thought that the episode was great and the scene was well written.

    Revec posted: »

    No, it was cheap and lazy writing. They knew the Whitehills would be there, yet didn't see them doing that? What? What? Are we serious TT? What's the point of keeping the spy alive then if you're just going to doom them anyway? Terrible writing.

  • Sorry, but I can pull this episode to pieces with the shoddy writing.

    Ramsay - there to say he's not interested and to sort it out among themselves. Huh? Then send a raven telling them to get lost.
    North Grove - no progression here at all, pointless.
    Mira - Looks weaker then ever and was also pointless
    The spy - is either predictable or incredibly stupid writing that makes no sense.
    Asher/Rodrik death - also dumb. If you keep the spy alive, he warns them about an attack on Asher. Yet, still fall into it.

    So, what do we have to looking forward to in episode 6 that could help? The north Grove and...yeah. that's it.

    We all have different opinions. I personally thought that the episode was great and the scene was well written.

  • Ramsay - there to say he's not interested and to sort it out among themselves. Huh? Then send a raven telling them to get lost. North Grove - no progression here at all, pointless.

    This is the problem with critiquing nowadays. Everyone is so busy trying to find what relevance every single little plot point in a story has that most of the complaints just seem like needless nitpicking. Not everything will have a point to it, that wouldn't make sense if it was always like that.

    Revec posted: »

    Sorry, but I can pull this episode to pieces with the shoddy writing. Ramsay - there to say he's not interested and to sort it out among

  • For me it is all a matter of experiences. I could spent my time nitpicking the game or just go with it and enjoy it. Nitpicking the writing can be a real downer and destroyer of fun, which is why I don't do it, unless there is really some glaring problem. I had a really great time with the episode, that's all that maters and I am sorry that you didn't.

    And I personally look forward to the conclusion for the Forrester's story.

    Revec posted: »

    Sorry, but I can pull this episode to pieces with the shoddy writing. Ramsay - there to say he's not interested and to sort it out among

  • Did you read that back when you wrote it?

    "Not everything will have a point to it, that wouldn't make sense if it was always like that."

    What? Quite the opposite is true in fact. And it's not a problem with critiquing at all. It's called having a coherent story.

    Green613 posted: »

    Ramsay - there to say he's not interested and to sort it out among themselves. Huh? Then send a raven telling them to get lost. North Grove

  • And it's not a problem with critiquing at all.

    It is though. Again as I said, it makes most of your complaints seem like nitpicks. Nitpicking isn't critiquing.

    Revec posted: »

    Did you read that back when you wrote it? "Not everything will have a point to it, that wouldn't make sense if it was always like that."

  • The writers are so evil it's worthy of respect.

  • Worthy of respect from George R R Martin.

    The writers are so evil it's worthy of respect.

  • You really don't know what you're talking about do you? When there are giant holes in a plot, that's not nitpicking. Nitpicking would be complaining about small trivial details.

    Green613 posted: »

    And it's not a problem with critiquing at all. It is though. Again as I said, it makes most of your complaints seem like nitpicks. Nitpicking isn't critiquing.

  • Some of the best and well-known stories have plots holes. It is all a matter of how good the story is able to distract you from it.

    Revec posted: »

    You really don't know what you're talking about do you? When there are giant holes in a plot, that's not nitpicking. Nitpicking would be complaining about small trivial details.

  • The D's are worse than him

    Worthy of respect from George R R Martin.

  • When there are giant holes in a plot

    You're over exaggerating.

    Revec posted: »

    You really don't know what you're talking about do you? When there are giant holes in a plot, that's not nitpicking. Nitpicking would be complaining about small trivial details.

  • Hell yeah they are.

    Worthy of respect from George R R Martin.

  • Examples?

    Some of the best and well-known stories have plots holes. It is all a matter of how good the story is able to distract you from it.

  • Or you're in denial.

    Green613 posted: »

    When there are giant holes in a plot You're over exaggerating.

  • You're being very rude, did I offend you or something that you're acting this way towards me? Let's try to actually have discussion like regular adults please and thank you.

    Revec posted: »

    Or you're in denial.

  • edited July 2015

    I haven't said anything insulting, so I don't know what you're talking about.

    Green613 posted: »

    You're being very rude, did I offend you or something that you're acting this way towards me? Let's try to actually have discussion like regular adults please and thank you.

  • Or you're in denial.

    You really don't know what you're talking about do you?

    It might not be insulting to you, but I find it disrespectful, maybe you can try to tone it down with the aggressiveness.

    Revec posted: »

    I haven't said anything insulting, so I don't know what you're talking about.

  • But its true. You're saying criticism of the main plot is nitpicking. There's no aggression in that comment. If you're reading it as such, then that's down to you.

    Green613 posted: »

    Or you're in denial. You really don't know what you're talking about do you? It might not be insulting to you, but I find it disrespectful, maybe you can try to tone it down with the aggressiveness.

  • Well The Dark Knight Rises has a few problems that are glaring on second or third watches

    Revec posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    I wish the option to have them both stay was canon, but they kill more Whitehills and it being more bada*s and you switch between them both in the fight, but TT had to make it bad

  • Also don't forget... It is Game Of Thrones after all. Valar Morgulis

  • I found it fascinating. You're not making the choice as Rodrik or Asher, you're making the choice as the player, totally disconnected from both of them. I think that was a really interesting writing choice. As far as I know, TT haven't done anything like that before.

  • I don't deem that film that great. The Dark Knight is probably the best one out of all three as the Joker is genuinely insane and unpredictable in his motives and actions. The third one had all sorts of issues.

    Well The Dark Knight Rises has a few problems that are glaring on second or third watches

  • The weird thing is even tho I'm in love with those characters I did think about it disconnected from them as a player because (you can consider this a good or bad thing I'm not sure myself) I don't think with my emotions (for the most part) I usually think of what will lead me to my goal for example I chose Rodrik also because he's a better leader overall. I'd probably make a good politian which isn't a good thing

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I found it fascinating. You're not making the choice as Rodrik or Asher, you're making the choice as the player, totally disconnected from b

  • The menu of the game looks so empty with only three characters there ;(

  • Aye...It feels so haunting with just three...

    dexnerxc posted: »

    The menu of the game looks so empty with only three characters there ;(

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