Truly disappointed.

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

New to the community, but I had to share my feelings regarding the outcome of the last episode with you fellow fans.

Let's be clear: as many of you I didn't enjoy how the traitor (whoever he happens to be) deal was written. Felt very very cheap and unconvincing but that's all I'm going to say about it since many of you have already done it way better than I could possible do.

So in my first playthrough I killed the traitor (in my case Duncan) taking his words as a bluff regarding Asher, since he is/was a great warrior plus he had a "badass army" at his command. Well we all know how things went so there's nothing more to say about it, take it like a man and deal with it (As I tried to convince myself).

So I rewinded and decided to spare the life of Duncan in exchange for the safety of Asher/Rodrik and to my disappointment got nothing in return for it. Seriously this one is unbelievable, I know the Forresters were low on manpower but they could have come up with a way of saving both of the brothers or at the very very least change a tiny bit of the outcome of the massacre we got ourselves in.

I decided to sacrifice Rodrik the second time, hoping he would have somewhat of an ace up his sleeve at least:

"Let's see if at least I can kill that eye-regeneratiing bastard Gryff!"


"Ok. Can I at least hurt him again?"


"Perhaps I can put a sword through the chest of that idiot who blocked my way to the stairs in the second episode and opened the gate on this one?"


"How about the smug bearded imbecile who is always by Gryff's side?"


"Ok. Maybe I can sprinkle some of my blood on their boots once they are killing me! ¬¬"

My feelings after that need some time for me to meditate and try to create new curse words since there are none that can describe my frustration currently in any of the languages known to man.

So yeah as much as I hated the absurdity of how the traitor was handled, what really angered me was how pointless was to spare his life only to still go to the coast, bend over and take another one up my ass from team bad guy. "Your decisions matter!" :)


  • Is this your first Telltale game? If not then you bought the game already knowing that decisions don't matter as much as they point out

  • I agree, many absurdities in this episode. The traitor build up let to nothing more than anti climatic

  • Yeah first and only telltale game so far as I'm not a fan of the other franchises they have tackled. Regardless of my feeling towards episode 5 I'll keep playing, in my opinion all of the other episodes were good so I still want to see how the story goes next episode.

    Still hurts though. Being in the off-season one would think you wouldn't be able to hate Ramsay Bolton even more...but then this happens hahaha.

    Is this your first Telltale game? If not then you bought the game already knowing that decisions don't matter as much as they point out

  • edited July 2015

    It seems crazy to me that Duncan would be the traitor at all...he's the one who told Gared about the North Grove, so he seemed like the one sure bet in the game. Royland was all bitter and betrayed me, but I spared his life this game.

  • I guess I am the only one who liked the traitor situation. Maybe, I just like all the show of pure emotions in the scene.

  • The more I think about it the more I dislike this episode.

    It's completely killed all momentum from the first 4 episodes and we're left with nothing. The payoff from all the work has just been written away with shoddy writing. I honestly think this was a new low for TT.

  • Truly the worst episode. The only good, I dare say great thing was the fight with Bloodsong.

    Revec posted: »

    The more I think about it the more I dislike this episode. It's completely killed all momentum from the first 4 episodes and we're left w

  • Yeah and even that was done badly. He stands there monologuing in classic villian style turning his back to you is a pit fight and he's looking the other way. Why wouldn't you make it easy on himself and hit him then. Then we have the knife in leg scene. Despite stabbing him in the leg, Asher is slower to get up?!

    LordVoss posted: »

    Truly the worst episode. The only good, I dare say great thing was the fight with Bloodsong.

  • Try TWD Season 1. I'm not that fond of the show but the game is a masterpiece ! It'll break you just as much, maybe more :)

    Season 2 isn't quite as good, despite being enjoyable it's pretty meh

    LordVoss posted: »

    Yeah first and only telltale game so far as I'm not a fan of the other franchises they have tackled. Regardless of my feeling towards episod

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