Rank the penultimate episode endings.

So every season of the show, and definitely season 1 of the game, has had a really dramatic, intense ending for the penultimate episodes. How would you rank them?

For me, it's:

1) The Whitehill ambush. (I knew it was coming, but I didn't know it'd happen like that. I chose Asher, and his goodbye to Beskha was heart-breaking. He put up a great fight and died a hero. The fact that I caused his death - and that this is the first time I was making a decision as myself and not as the characters - made it such a hard pill to swallow.)

2) The Battle of Castle Black. (What's there to say? Lots of death, violence, action, drama and tension. A thrill and a pain - in a good way - to watch.)

3) The Battle of Blackwater Bay. (I loved Stannis, and the build-up that had spanned most of the season absolutely paid off %100. Seeing Tyrion get his face slashed was terrifying. I was almost sure he was dead - even though I'd already played Iron From Ice.

4) Eddard Stark's execution. (A really good scene. I didn't they'd kill off "the main character". Very hard to watch.)

5) The Red Wedding. (I wasn't very invested in the characters on my first watch-through, so it was more surprising than upsetting.)

6) Dany riding her dragon. (I think the burning of Shireen was a better moment, but Dany's bit was the ending, so she's going to the bottom of the list.)


    1. The Battle of Castle Black (No explanation needed except Giants, mammoth's, and giant wall weapon. Gren's last stand was awesome)

    2. The Battle of Blackwater Bay (Didn't like the winner, but the battle was awesome.Tyrion rallying the troops and the wildfire was epic.)

    3. The Red Wedding (Despite not really caring about any of the characters it was still really sad and shocking since I didn't see it coming because it was before I read the books)

    4. The Whitehill Ambush (Do I really have to explain? Choosing between Asher and Rodrik was difficult and seeing them die was hard to watch, but an awesome scene. Ultimately I choose Rodrik to stay behind because it just made the most sense IMO)

    5. Ned's Execution (Great episode and great scene just not as great as the others since we only knew Ned for a few episodes.)

    6. Dany leaving her friends behind (Not a bad scene, but not great either. It was OK.)

  • edited July 2015
    1. The Red Wedding: Classic, best moment of season 3, even if Robb or Catelyn never were my absolute favorites the scene was so well made I almost cried (I don't cry often with tv shows or movies).

    2. Blackwater: One of the greatest episodes of the whole series, even if season 2 as a whole is my least favorite season.

    3. Ned's execution: Well this was the first major shocker of GoT. It really set the mood for the show and told what to expect - and it was a very well made scene.

    4. Whitehill ambush: Choosing between Asher and Rodrik. That's what gets this beyond s4 and s5 show penultimates.

    5. Battle of Castle Black: The most shocking moment of s4 was Oberyn vs. Mountain in ep. 8, but this was still pretty good battle.

    6. Dany flying Drogon: Great scene, but penultimate episode wasn't really the best of s5 - it was Hardhome (which would take place 2 in this rank).

  • edited July 2015

    same exact order as yours but for different reasons -

    1) Red Wedding - I agree it was the best moment of Season 3 and it was especially sad when it was right after Robb and Talisa talking about little baby Ned & Robb was my favorite Stark of the series so I was really sad to see him go

    2) Blackwater - an awesome battle, loved Stannis getting crushed and Tyrion stepping up as a true savior of the city while Joffrey ran away like a little girl & that speech by Tyrion was great

    3) Ned's execution - I agree that it set the mood of the show and it was the first time that I saw a main character go so early in a show

    4) Whitehill ambush - I actually cried a bit when the choice between Asher and Rodrick came up

    5) Battle of Castle Black - not a huge fan of The Wall on the show so didn't really like that there was a whole episode dedicated to it (but the giants were pretty cool) & I agree that the Oberyn vs. Mountain fight was amazing

    6) Dany flying out on Drogon - really cool to see this but it got overshadowed by all the negative feelings of the scene that took place right before it (aka the burning of Shireen)

    * The Red Wedding: Classic, best moment of season 3, even if Robb or Catelyn never were my absolute favorites the scene was so well made I a

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