Anyone else thinks that Mira...

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

...will end up standing as a witness for Tyrion and have to choose between being loyal to Cersei (and justify against him), Margaery (say you're not involved) or Tyrion (say something on his defense, but you will be in trouble)?

Mira: Your Grace, the plan failed...

Cersei: I've sent you to his cell with wine from my cellar, how could he have known I sent you? Stupid girl!

Mira: Nobody will justify for Tyrion...

Cersei: Then it will be you, STUPID HANDMAIDEN!


  • Interesting theory, but I dont think Mira will have a real chance to chose whom she wants to help. I think no matter what we tell Cersei she will then get rid of Mira cause she knows too much and cant be trusted. If she gets the chance to avoid Cercei somehow she will likely get killed by someone working for Margaery, cause she saw Mira leaving with Lannister guards and knows she cant be trusted.

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