What did you do...

To the traitor? I made a promise to Talia and I have no reason to trust him any longer due to his betrayal, so I executed him.


  • Killed him. Regret nothing.

  • A traitor's death is a traitor's reward. Who was your traitor?

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Killed him. Regret nothing.

  • First, hit Royland to show him that I still have some spine, after that executed him after some last words. That's what you do with the traitors

  • Royland.

    A traitor's death is a traitor's reward. Who was your traitor?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I let Duncan live, no reason to kill him anymore now that he's been revealed.

  • Let Royland live. Now he'll either understand how wrong he was if our house survives or will be punished by seeing it being ruined.

  • I spared Duncan. Who knows what he might know? I hope we get to interrogate him further. Or execute him publicly.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My traitor was Royland and i let him live because i wanted him to tell me the plans.

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