Viper's Nest - Thoughts

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones


  • At least Ramsey allowed us to fight it out with the Whitehills. Finally he's out of the picture ... or IS he?! It wouldn't surprise me, if he comes to kill off some more main characters in the end.


  • The episode was too short (Jumping through 6 scenes was so fast that it didn't feel like the main dish). But maybe it's not so bad, since the episode was rather ... well ... bad.
  • Finn's death was ... unspectacular.
  • Bad story telling with Gryff. I already knew something like this would happen, when I saw Ramsey in the last Episode and I have discussed my concerns in the forum. TTG just magically saved the low level boss so that he can be a focus for anger so that in the end the choice of letting the Whitehills live or kill them all is more dramatic ...

This nihilistic view of the world, as TTG adapts in this game just doesn't fit well with me. It just makes me think what's the point in playing any further. And doing it in such a lazy and predictable way (with Gryff) doesn't really help. Uhhh, I hate the Whitehills so much now ... (writing it in a bored and sarcastic tone).

Listen, if it were possible, I would suggest you to start over again and maybe you would have a more interesting outcome, without having immortal TV characters presenting impossabilities to the player. The rest of the game I will play more or less emotionless and practical, because that is the way to survive this nihilistic world. That means all the Whitehills must be eliminated. There can be no women or children left. This is what Ned Stark should have done to the Lannisters. Then we/they would all the better off now.

Please don't get me wrong. I don't vent because I've lost my favorite character or anything. I just think that TTG games use a bad/old engine, have no challenges regarding gameplay or brainpower and mainly live because of their characters and the story. And this story doesn't suit me anymore and actively makes me care less about the characters or the outcome. If others are entertained by this ... good. I have a different taste and I'm not saying that it's better or worse, than anybody elses.

Let me know, what you think about this episode.

[Oh, I forgot to mention... I was sitting and watching the screen and thinking very hard at Gared...
"Cut off Finn's head ... cut off Finn's head ..." there would have been time and if not just preventing his return in the last episode it would have at least kept him from becoming undead (I guess)]

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