Why is Telltale ignoring the Ironborn?

Just like in the Tv show the Greyjoys are completely ignored.
So let me get this straight:
Step 1:Balon Grejyoy starts this huge invasion of the North after he proclaims himself King.
Step 2.:The Ironborn take Moat Cailin,Stony Shore,Deepwood Motte,Torrhens square,even Winterfell...
Step 3: Theons stupidity costs them Winterfell and Theon.
Step 4:In season 3 episode 10 Ramsay sends Theons penis to Balon but Balon says he will not give up the lands hes taken not even for Theon.
Step 5:SUDDENLY the Ironborn only have a small garrison in Moat Cailin and they start abandoning the North and when that small garrison is killed Roose says most of them have fled the North.
Did we miss something? Why did they leave?
Not for Theon thats for sure...
In season 5 the Ironborn were not even mentioned and pathetically ignored and dropped from the TV show creating a huge plot hole which is poor wriiting for a show that claims to be the best show ever...
In the books the reason the Ironborn leave the North was explained and reasonable.

Instead of using this game to fill in the plot holes of this show Telltale has decided to go down the same path.
In episode 2 it can come up in the dialogue that the Ironborn took Deepwood Motte which is pretty close to Ironrath.Its also mentioned in the codex Sir Royland hates the Ironborn due to losing his family in the Greyjoy rebellion.
Instead of using any of this potential for a storyline they are compleely ingored...
Imagine all the possibilities if the Greyjoys were included..

In episode 5 Asher somehow manages to bypass hundreds of Ironborn ships when going past the Iron isles and lands in some imaginary port town that should be overrun with Ironborn if its so close to Deepwood Motte.
This is Ashers journey
https://www.dropbox.com/s/3xr8ar2w2hcyrqi/Ashers journey.jpg?dl=0

This is the state of the North at the time of his arrival
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uu8v0ff8jln5gur/The_North at the time of Ashers arrival.jpg?dl=0


  • It's not related to their plot. If not, then they have their excuses.

    It's none of your, his, hers, or my, business.

  • Due to show casting it appears that greyjoys will be next season, based on descriptions. Right now in game there is no reason to have anyone involves with the greyjoys

  • If they aren't relevant to this story, then there is no reason to have them on board.

  • The Greyjoys are a joke and got beaten back like they always do. What's the point in bringing them up?

  • Well, I suppose TTG should work with some experts.

    I didn't think of this either to be honest and I have read the books and seen the show. Good catch, good point.

  • I'm pretty sure the Ironborn will make a comeback to the story in season 6 since Euron is being cast. And I think the reason they left the North in the show was simply because the Boltons were back - yeah not as good as the books, but apparently in the show the Boltons have a little more powerful army.

    When it comes to the game and Asher's journey I have no idea. And yeah, I agree, Ironborn would be sweet, thought I'm not sure if there would've been room for another subplot.

  • I don't think it was stated that Asher lands on the west coast? I know the east coast is further away from Ironrath but as you say, the west is also much more dangerous due to Ironborn. As for Iron Islanders not actually being included, maybe stuff to do for a Season 2?

    If Ironborn are in Deepwood Motte, the seat of House Glover, it would make sense for Ironrath to help liberate them.

    Once, y'know, the Boltons and Whitehills stop dicking around. But y'know, one step at a time right?

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