Episode 5's weird story turn...

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

War is about to start only thing Irontath have 8 pitfighters (some died already) and Glenmores are gone. Garred is still looking for the North Grove but the war is already starting. Mira can stop Andros but it is not even important and all she did was pretty much pointless. So, how the hell can they win this war? And how the hell can that douchebag be healed that well. Is he a Deadpool kinda guy that can heal in hours? It's just lazy writing. Ending also was cheap in my opinion, classic Telltale choice. But i was impressed by the characters because they were relatable, things were insane and there were fun moments. But at this point, to win the war they need to find a bigger army almost magically. So probably a lot of things will be given to us in the next episode without context just to make the war equal. After all this build up, i expected more. I expected a long episode that is building to a final but what we've got is, a short, very questionable fifth episode. How the hell will all this end up in the last episode? I don't even remember any Ryon talk other than the fact that the trade is off. And that guy was let go by Royland, but for some reason didn't anyone notice? I don't know, guards and etc.? Or they were only loyal to Royland from the start? Too many questions, too little answers. I would love if you guys could help me understand these... I am really confused.


  • edited July 2015

    Mira's story seems to be moving towards her providing most troops needed - at the start of the episode she is wondering how to transfer large amounts of men.

  • I think rodrik made a fair point, how many soldiers do the whitehills have? Without the bolton support I mean

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