My overall opinion about Episode 5

I'm....disappointed, I guess. Now don't get me wrong, the ending was good and I cried... But there were just too many plot holes and disappointing moments, for example:

  • What's the point of bringing The Glenmores to Highpoint, if Arthur is going to die anyway? Oh you get a few extra lines of dialogue(and the RodrikxArthur moment). Yeah, that's not enough... And how did he managed to get caught, if he was with his soldiers ONLY 2 or 3 freaking minutes? That's just Telltale being lazy...
  • Finn's "heroic" demise was probably the worst part of this episode. He got 3 or 4 lines of dialogue and then he just... died. What's the point of even bringing him, if he just dies like that? This reminds me of PT (playable teaser on PS4):like how you could play it, but then the "main" version gets cancelled... Well,congratulations Finn on getting the 3rd place in my most disappointing Telltale character deaths list:
  1. Nick
  2. Chuck
  3. Finn
  • The traitor... The entire time traitor was being revealed I had this picture in my mind: Alt text

  • And their motives make no sense: YOU BITCH U DIDNT CHOSE ME, NAW I BETRAY U!!!!111!! That makes no sense, both Royland and Duncan are honorable men. It makes no sense for them to betray House Forrester. Duncan is the person, who sent Gared to find North Grove, the place that was meant to save House Forrester. Royland is the person, who would rather kill every single member of House Whitehill than anything. Telltale should have at least made the person who you sided the least with: the traitor... Not like: I did everything you told me to, but you didn't chose me as sentinel, so I betray you. Hell, even the theories about Measter being Ebbert Whitehill made more sense than this. In my opinion the traitor should have been the mother, at least it made a little bit of sense for her to be the traitor...Disappointment....

  • And remember Asher's "huge army", which consisted of 8 people... Seriously? The "army" consisted of

  1. Random pit fighter 1
  2. Random pit fighter 2
  3. Random pit fighter 3
  4. Random pit fighter 4
  5. Random pit fighter 5
  6. Random pit fighter 6/Bloodsong
  7. Beast
  8. Amaya
  • Whitehills have no chance against such a "humongous" army! Oh wait! They do... The "army" felt like an excuse
    for Asher to go to Westeros...

I'll play the episode again and see if there are any other plot holes. Peace!

P.S. Sorry for the typos.


  • Yeah it's a shame Dany was such a b*tch. I saw it coming though. She is an awful character and I absolutely hate her in the show and books.

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