Rodrick and Eleana Speculation

In episode 5 as we all know, Rodrick and Eleana got a little cozy. In my final decision I left Rodrick behind. Which makes Asher the Lord. But I was just thinking, what if Eleana was now pregnant. Even though Asher is Lord now in my playthrough. Wouldn't the first born son of the the first born be the real Lord when he's old enough?
Do you think this would be a way for them to get rid of whoever you made Lord, since we all know those type of characters usually die.


  • He would not be Lord he is a bastard because Rod and Eleana were not married. The only way he could be a Lord is if all the true Forrester's die or the King makes him one.

  • Rodrik and Elaena having sex is determinant, so it's extremely unlikely the future of the house would depend on Elaena and Rodrik's possible daughter/son.

  • And how convenient is it that a certain true King of Westeros will be in the north during the time of his birth. Not just any King either a King that needs northern houses help to take down the Boltons. Who the Forresters just so happen to hate.

    He would not be Lord he is a bastard because Rod and Eleana were not married. The only way he could be a Lord is if all the true Forrester's die or the King makes him one.

  • How do we know that they 'got a little cozy'? I don't remember seeing Eleana after the first scene.

  • They determinantly have sex right after she sees her dead brother

    Parrotguy posted: »

    How do we know that they 'got a little cozy'? I don't remember seeing Eleana after the first scene.

  • Apparently it is determinant. You should have told her she wasn't alone if you want it to happen.

    Parrotguy posted: »

    How do we know that they 'got a little cozy'? I don't remember seeing Eleana after the first scene.

  • edited July 2015

    There's a 'morning after' scene with Rodrik and Elaena where it's obviously implied that Rodrik got dat Glenmoore booty. It's only there if you told Elaena she wasn't alone, though. If you tell her that she should go get some sleep, then the scene isn't there.

    Parrotguy posted: »

    How do we know that they 'got a little cozy'? I don't remember seeing Eleana after the first scene.

  • Oh. Too bad, I told her to go get some sleep.

    There's a 'morning after' scene with Rodrik and Elaena where it's obviously implied that Rodrik got dat Glenmoore booty. It's only there if

  • I am really liking this theory. In my play through, Rodrik is left behind. I was so emotional over the fact that Elaena would lose both her brother and her fiancé. If TT does go in this direction (which is HIGHLY unlikely) I would feel so much better and it would also make for a good plot line.

    And how convenient is it that a certain true King of Westeros will be in the north during the time of his birth. Not just any King either a King that needs northern houses help to take down the Boltons. Who the Forresters just so happen to hate.

  • That's so romantic!

    Flog61 posted: »

    They determinantly have sex right after she sees her dead brother

  • You missed out! :D

    Parrotguy posted: »

    Oh. Too bad, I told her to go get some sleep.

  • I'm curious now, is "Snow" just a default last name for bastards or something? I could be wrong, got this from a wiki, but Jon and Ramsey aren't related, just "half-brother-in-law", but they both are called "Snow".

    Rod Snow

  • edited July 2015

    Eleana: My brother is dead! I can't believe it.

    Rodrik: We'll bang ok?

    selinahazel posted: »

    That's so romantic!

  • Bastards get their last name depending on where they were born: all the bastards from the North are named Snow. Jon is Ramsey's "half-brother-in-law" because he married Sansa Stark who's Jon's half-sister.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I'm curious now, is "Snow" just a default last name for bastards or something? I could be wrong, got this from a wiki, but Jon and Ramsey aren't related, just "half-brother-in-law", but they both are called "Snow".

  • It is a bastard name for the ones born on the North.

    A bastard that is born on the Reach, for example, is called Flowers. That's why when Sera says her true name is "Sera Flowers" Mira immediately knows she is a bastard.
    Someone that is born in the Crownlands is called Waters, someone from the Riverlands is called Rivers, from Dorne is called Sand, from the Iron Islands is called Pyke, from the Vale is Stone, from the Westerlands is Hill and from the Stormlands, Storm.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I'm curious now, is "Snow" just a default last name for bastards or something? I could be wrong, got this from a wiki, but Jon and Ramsey aren't related, just "half-brother-in-law", but they both are called "Snow".

  • Ohh, interesting. Thanks man!

    Golthar posted: »

    Bastards get their last name depending on where they were born: all the bastards from the North are named Snow. Jon is Ramsey's "half-brother-in-law" because he married Sansa Stark who's Jon's half-sister.

  • Okay, because I was curious about Mira's reaction too, how she immediately That is interesting, learning something new about GoT is nice.

    Abeille posted: »

    It is a bastard name for the ones born on the North. A bastard that is born on the Reach, for example, is called Flowers. That's why when

  • Just like every wattpad romance story ever.

    Eleana: My brother is dead! I can't believe it. Rodrik: We'll bang ok?

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