Traitor in episode 6

What will be the Traitor's role in episode 6 (if you spared him)? I personally spared Royland cuz i thoguht he might make up for it in the next episode...

Now I understand why many people probably think, it wont matter at all, but I have faith in you Telltale...

Either make me hate him even more or give him a chance for redemption, but do something... Pls!

Maybe he tells us something to help us against the Whitehills that we find out in a different if he's dead, i dunno... Just don't do any offscreen shit or 2 different lines of dialogue... Don't pull any Nick or Sarah crap... Please!

I'm usually on your side Telltale but i'm starting to doubt you lately... Either this or atleast the Asher/Rodrik thing... Do it right!

If you actually suprise us and start making these things matter much more you'll earn my trust back, even if it means nothing to you...


  • I am realy hopefull that TellTale won't screw Asher/Rodrick character. About the Determinant trator, I dunno we might get a scene where he show that he is sorry (I won't forgive him) but nothing more than that. :/

  • I am realy hopefull that TellTale won't screw Asher/Rodrick character.

    I REALLY hope so too...

    I dunno we might get a scene where he show that he is sorry but nothing more than that.

    I guess :/

    I am realy hopefull that TellTale won't screw Asher/Rodrick character. About the Determinant trator, I dunno we might get a scene where he show that he is sorry (I won't forgive him) but nothing more than that.

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