If we hadn't had to choose...

Would you have taken Rodrik's/Asher's death better if we hadn't had to choose? I mean, the final choice could have been a different one, and one of the brothers had a death you couldn't avoid, like Ethan's death. I think I would have taken it better. I dunno why, but that's how I feel.


  • It makes me upset because it's the same death just model swaps. But i see why you think that, it would've been more dramatic.

  • Well that's the whole point, I honestly think the writers sit in a room and judge the success of their episodes by asking themselves these questions.

    "Did we make the players cry?"

    "Is there a lot of debates and outcry on the forums?"

    "Did we hurt their feelings?"

  • Well i was really sad to not being able of avoiding Ethan's death. But it is a really fucked up decision. I tried to saved Asher and choose wrong, so i saved Rodrick. But both stories are really great and didn't think it deserve to end there. Asher finally gets an army and comes back home and gets kill is awful. And Rodrick deserves at least kill Gryff.

  • I absolutely agree, if we didn't have to make the choice it would've worked better story-wise (would've been more shocking too) because as of now, most people will choose the one they like the best.

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