
I guarantee that telltale- just to make us feel like assholes when we return to Ironrath with the news this is what is going to happen:
Rodrick- If you chose Asher to stay, the mother and Talia will call Rodrick a coward that failed to protect his brother a second time. It'll take a hell of a convincing for Beshka to join us along with the pit fighters. And Gwyn will likely not help us

Asher- If we left Rodrick, Eleana (if you slept with her) will likely be pregnant and since nobody wants a deflowered pregnant woman and considering her grief over Arthur and Rodrick she'll kill herself and our family will likely be grieving over Rodrick. But Gwyn will likely be more then willing to talk with us, perhaps will help us get Ryon

In my game my Rodrick would rather die then see another younger brother get killed, and his last moments he was who he once was. Asher dying just seemed like such a waste, but isn't it fitting that the exiled son comes back to kill the family of the very reason he got exiled (Gwyn) Asher will rain hell upon the Whitehills though after seeing Ethan and Rodrick die I really don't give a shit about Ryon.


  • And Gwyn will likely not help us

    Im pretty sure Gwyns gonna be pissed when she figures out Whitehills killed Asher

  • I really want to see Gwyn's reaction when she finds out her horrible father and ugly brother slaughtered Asher. They're all going to pay for this... big time.

  • One of the other reasons I chose to kill Asher. Hopefully it stirs something in Gwyn, if not she can suffer with her family.

  • Screw Gwyn either way. She's a Whitehill and Asher will flay her.

  • Character-wise, I thought it more fitting for Asher to sacrifice himself. It seemed like something he would do.

  • The only consequences I'm really worried about at this point rest with Eleana, Gwyn, and Ryon. Asher is alive in mine so I've got no clue how it'll go down with Eleana, I bet you're right though and that she is pregnant, I just hope she doesn't do anything drastic.

    With Gwyn I'm more worried how she may perceive us when we come stomping to Highpoint, I've got no ill-will towards her and I really don't get the unjustified blood-lust for her death on the forums, but I'm afraid she'll see us as a monster for wanting justice done for what her father and brother did to our family/house.

    And that falls right in line with my final worry being Ryon, obviously he's still a hostage and unless Gwyn gets him out, I don't know how we'll properly save him and if he ends up dying that'll just be more fuel on the fire for me as I hunt down Ludd and Gryff.

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