Telltale have written themselves in a corner. *Spoilers*

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

All the characters are currently in a bad state, the only hope for House Forrester is the North Grove. Which then, Gared is a deserter and even if he does get back, the wall is going to want his head. I hope they don't lazily write Gared back, like he some how tames a dragon. But I don't see how House Forrester is going to win. All they allies are gone, if you killed Duncan, Gared is going to be pissed. I hoped one of these episodes would've shown House Forrester making a comeback, but no. They keep falling further. And what annoyed me most, is that if you maimed Gryff to near death, he magically shows up without a scratch. Can't we have this one thing Telltale, just one thing. To see Gryff's crunched face.


  • Regarding Gryff's magically healed face. The model that showed his maimed face was sadly glitched out.

  • I hope to God they fix it.

  • North Grove won't help at all from the way it's been described. The north grove from the sounds of seems like the place where Bran is at the moment (Espically from what Silva said this episode). And who says House Forrester is going to win? The show, and the book are heavily inspired by history, they have the less numbers so are likely to lose, forced to surrender and work for the whitehills.

  • They defo have some skilled writers! I'm sure whatever happens next will be interesting, regardless. Everyone will have differing opinions on what happens next, some'll love it, some'll hate it. I'm fairly certain we'll get our revenge on Gryff though.

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