Sparing Bloodsong?

Gives what perk? Also can the size of the army differ pending on your choices?


  • He joins you. If you kick him after sparing him then you will still "impress" the pit fighters had you killed him. He says you denied him of an honorable death so now he has to find it in Westeros.

  • He joins your "army". That's pretty much it, nothing else. He doesn't impact the ending whatsoever

  • I didn't...just listening to him for the 5 minutes he was on screen made me want to stab him in the gut and watch him bleed out...

    That said, on a second playthrough, I did spare him, and he basically just joins asher's army, giving a dialogue choice just as you get on the ship.

  • can the size of the army differ pending on your choices

    Yes because he comes with you.

    I smiled at that ^^

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