Episode 5 Freezes During Recap

Hey, I just downloaded the most recent Game of Thrones telltale episode for PS3. I've been playing since the first episode with minimal issues. After downloading this episode, I had the seemingly common issue of the game not loading, just going to a black screen and freezing. I reinstalled the game and didn't download the update or sign into PSN, and I was able to get to the menu and select "Play Episode 5". During the "Previously on" segment, however, the game drops dialogue audio (right after Daenerys speaks her first line), and then it freezes at the same point in the recap every time, with Gareth, Finn, and Cotter north of the wall. The game becomes unresponsive and I can't press any buttons or even quit the game, I have to restart my PS3.

I've tried a few solutions. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, every episode, same issue. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling just the first and fifth episodes, same issue. Is it a problem on my end? Any help or direction to where I might find solutions is at is appreciated. Thank you for your time.


  • I have a very similar issue. I have managed to get through the recap section; however, the game freezes at various points during the first conversation between Rodrik and Ramsay. After I respond to Ramsay for the first time, the game drops dialogue audio and then freezes after a few moments. I have also reinstalled the game, but the same issue reoccurs. Telltale, please help!

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are currently playing the game without any of the updates downloaded and installed on your PS3, you may encounter issues within the game. These issues are there because the updates that fix these issues are not installed in your game. I recommend making sure you have downloaded and installed the latest updates available for the game. You will need to download and install the latest update for the game in order for this particular issue to be resolved.

    If after downloading the latest update you do experience the black screen issue again, please note that our team is currently working on a resolution for the issue, and hope to have more information soon. I will make sure to update This Discussion Thread when I have any new information to provide.

  • So you are basically saying we can fix this problem by updating the game, although that will unfortunately result in the dreaded black screen problem and makes the game completely unplayable, but we shouldn't worry because you finally have made some progression in finding a fix for a four month old problem, but -alas- cannot give us any information as to when it may be solved and when we might actually have the opportunity to play this game we paid for.......?

    You're funny

    If you are currently playing the game without any of the updates downloaded and installed on your PS3, you may encounter issues within the g

  • I have installed Episodes 1 and 5, updated the game according to the suggestion and have been able to play the last episode just fine. It seems to me that Episode 4 is causing the black screen issue we have all been experiencing.

  • I also went ahead and delayed the game (not the saved game data), and reinstalled (for the second time - had to do this to get episode 4 to work). Only reinstalled episode 1 and 5, and accepted the software update at game launch. So far seems to be working fine.

    Still hesitant to reinstall episodes 3 or 4, where the back screen of death seems to have crept in.

    Really hope telltale gets a REAL fix for this soon. Sucks to have to keep spending time deleting and reinstalling, and still not be able to have all episodes working together!

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you all for providing the extra information on how you were able to resolve your issue. Please note that a potential fix for the issue has been found, and I hope to have more information soon.

This discussion has been closed.