(spoilers) Plot holes Episode 5 RANT

This interactive railroad story, is feeling so much less interactive. Episode 5 has been the biggest let down for me. I really love telltale. I buy all their games since the walking dead. But seriously nothing can be done to save Asher/Rodrick, not even getting the information first. How is Gryff able to see after i blinded the fucker. I know this game of thrones, but at least it didn't have plot holes in the source material. If Rodrick knew about the ambush why didn't he send a raven or something. Not the entire army.


  • edited July 2015

    Gryff's maimed face was sadly glitched out. And it was already explained that they are unable to warn Asher because he was at sea.

    EDIT: And Ellissa ordered all of the ravens to be killed in episode 4.

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