Chap. 5 last scene rant

Man, what the hell!

Okay, let's get this straight: I love the game, and I'm totally overlooking this for the sake of the storytelling! But god, either people at house Forrester are clueless or this is terribly scripted!

They knew there's was an ambush waiting for them at the harbor and what do they do? Send a handfull of soldiers into a goddam walled city with presumably one gate! What the actual duck, how could this possibly work out fine?

There are tons of things they could have done. They could have sent a undercover agent to meet Asher at the harbor and tell them to dock elsewhere. They could have sent a boat to meet them in the shore and divert their course. They could have docked anywhere in Westeros and yet they walked right in to a trap they knew about. I didn't buy it for a second, it was completely scripted to leave us with the toughest choice so far :/
That being said I left Rodrik behind. Felt like crap seeing him die while Gryff looked down on him with that dreadfull smirk but I think it would be worse to see Asher through hell to get an army and get to Westeros just to die 5 minutes after he set foot on land. Man, I fucking love how much I hate this game or hate how much I love it, I don't even know anymore!

I guess it's just as Ramsay Snow said: "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."


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