Was Talia the *true* traitor?

A lot of people online are saying that the "traitor" covered for Talia because he didn't want her hurt. She even says in the beginning of the game that she wishes duncan was her choice over Royland. It would explain why she just happen to find notes to the enemy in a tree... I'll be a little heart broken if she was the one. (Because I killed Duncan and she was my fav character)


  • No, just no. :D

  • I highly doubt it. Talia clearly is about what's best for her siblings.

  • TTG doesn't write complex narratives. Don't think too much about it.

  • she got Royland-y

    I highly doubt it. Talia clearly is about what's best for her siblings.

  • Oh snap.

    Drbg posted: »

    TTG doesn't write complex narratives. Don't think too much about it.

  • Cough Wolf among us cough

    Drbg posted: »

    TTG doesn't write complex narratives. Don't think too much about it.

  • Shots fired XD that twist wouldn't be any good anyway.

    Drbg posted: »

    TTG doesn't write complex narratives. Don't think too much about it.

  • "Promise me to kill him"

  • maybe, but if it is well writen and explained, would be worse then royland/duncan traitor?.

    Shots fired XD that twist wouldn't be any good anyway.

  • Except she didn't just find the note in the tree, she saw the traitor put it there. It's not like she found a note and at the end it said "-Love Royland/Duncan".

  • Talia wasn't at the council meetings. She didn't have any information to leak to the Whitehills.

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