Doesn't matter which House "Survives"

Anybody else thinking that Roose Bolton is going to kill the eventual victor over their crappy or insufficiently provided ironwood? Personally, I always saw the Boltons as the true enemies but the Whitehill's (other then Gwyn) don't wanna let this feud go.

I see the way to victory over the Whitehill's but that don't mean much if Roose is going to kill the Forrester's afterwards anyway. At this point, I only see the way to end this feud in bloody fashion and then get executed for it.

Guess I am wondering if anyone else see's a way out without everyone dying....


  • if they pay their taxes to the warden of the north the surviving house should be fine haha

  • I don't think Roose gives a fuck as long as he gets Ironwood to be honest.

  • As Warden Roose can get away with a lot, but he can't push it that far. In the books a group of the northern houses side with Stannis right when he appears in the North. Not everyone in the North is on board with the Bolton's, so they have to pick and choose their battles. Unless they wanna risk everyone turning on them.

  • Remember this is the "!Show! Game of Thrones" not the book version. Resistance to the Bolton's rule even after the RW event/Plus all (Possible) hostages being killed was not enough to make them rise up (Not to mention the Book version had them take the Heir's and family as hostages to ensure no funny business). The show doesn't really do a good job of showing why an event like that would only mark you for death at some point if you were involved, no matter how you ruled (Fear/Honor System).

    Them wiping out a "Disloyal" House that can't keep it's word well basically be seen as cruel but just in the North. Ramsey killing Ethan was because he just could...not because they did anything wrong, on the contrary they were useful. Once they realize that they don't have any ironwood for them because they were too busy fighting each other, there usefulness well have run out. Do you really expect Roose to say " had a tough time, I well let you off this time".

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