Rodrik knows about the north grove?

When I was talking to the traitor (duncan), Rodrik mentions the north grove. Was this a mistake or did i miss something?? As far as I know only gared and duncan know about the north grove. Even if Rodrik knew, why weren't we told that he knew?


  • I'm thinking that at some point during episode 3 or 4 offscreen, Duncan told him that Gared is searching for it and that all they can do is wait until he finds it.

  • Yeah, it's an odd thing, that. My assumption is, all the Forresters are at least aware of the North Grove. Even Elissa. As they were likely told about it by Lord Forrester. Though I doubt any of them think it's more than a story other than Rodrik himself.

    As his heir, I imagine Lord Forrester told him about it. I mean, if Duncan knew, surely the heir to the House must have known as well? Or... perhaps it was just a cheap way of letting the player learn that the Whitehills are unaware of the North Grove. But I subscribe to the former.

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