The Traitor and etc in ep5

I think they(TTG) changed the traitor because it's too obvious.
Maybe originally it's maester.

Duncan and Royland?

Duncan. He was a best friend of Gregor. He knew secrets of North grove. Betray for what? He said Whitehill promised him nothing.

Royland. I thought that if he is a traitor, he is the finest actor I've ever seen. And it comes true. Why did he teach how to fight ? He send the reports to Ludd for the house Forrester? Can you believe that?

Release Gryff for Rodrik's safety? Haha.. They could have given Ludd wrong info killed the Whitehill and saved the house.

My point is that's so unnatural. Even an idiot knows that's wierd.

Hmm... this episode is dramatic but not realistic at all.

Don't take this wrong. I love ttg games and buy all of their android games.


  • The traitors main motive was to overthrow Rodrik, as they felt the House was doomed with him in charge.

  • No offense but overthrow Rodrik and what? If they really thought that way, they could have kill Rodrik instead. Rodrik believed both of them. All they have to do is get some poison. But they didn't.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The traitors main motive was to overthrow Rodrik, as they felt the House was doomed with him in charge.

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