Instructions on Controls

Is there an faq that shows what controls do what? All I know is to hold the left mouse to walk and then push the wheel to pull up the inventory. Keyboard commands such as U to use dont seem to work at all. When I click on an object, like a cannon or door or hatch - there dont seem to be any options either. Am I missing something?


  • edited July 2009
    I don't think there *are* any options when interacting with items. =/
  • edited July 2009
    XuGator wrote: »
    Is there an faq that shows what controls do what? All I know is to hold the left mouse to walk and then push the wheel to pull up the inventory. Keyboard commands such as U to use dont seem to work at all. When I click on an object, like a cannon or door or hatch - there dont seem to be any options either. Am I missing something?

    It's as simple as can be:
    Click = Do

    Guybrush will automatically do the thing most appropriate to the situation.
    At first I was skeptic about this, but the puzzles are still good. Although a seperate "Do" and "Look" Command wouldn't have hurt...

    About other little tricks:
    WASD move the character, too. I gets up the inventory. Moving the mouse to the right and click gets the inventory.
    Shift makes the character run with the keyboard.
    Rightclick or doubleclick make the character run with the mouse.

    And a bit more I think.
  • edited July 2009
    the keyboard arrows moves Guybrush just like wasd.
  • edited July 2009
    If there is a a hammer laying in the middle of the road and I click on it....will Guybrush look at the hammer or pick up the hammer or use the hammer? do we differentiate if there are no options anymore?
  • edited July 2009
    XuGator wrote: »
    If there is a a hammer laying in the middle of the road and I click on it....will Guybrush look at the hammer or pick up the hammer or use the hammer? do we differentiate if there are no options anymore?

    That it is a hammer you obviously know.
    To use a hammer you'd have to pick it up first anyway.
    So the only option left would be to pick it up and that's what Guybrush does. (Unless the hammer is nailed to the ground).
    And once it is in your inventory you can still look at it.
  • edited July 2009
    he will do what he deems appropriate to the situation.
  • edited July 2009
    Click is basically "Look / Use"

    M for the island map

    Tab / I for inventory

    WASD / Arrows / Mouse to move

    Mouse right click to run

    Mouse double-click-drag run

    Esc for options.

    Right click to skip dialogue

    Eh, that's all I got (and all I needed)
  • edited July 2009
    XuGator wrote: »
    If there is a a hammer laying in the middle of the road and I click on it....will Guybrush look at the hammer or pick up the hammer or use the hammer? do we differentiate if there are no options anymore?

    He will pick up the hammer, and look at it and describe it, generally, all in the one hit.

    If you want more info, you can drag it to the magnifying glass in your inventory once it's picked up.
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks Guys
  • edited July 2009
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Esc for options.

    Right click to skip dialogue

    two things that annoyed me a lot. I kept hitting delete and escape to skip dialogue. but having it on right click is good now that I actually know where it is...

    but the escape menu is a bit awful imo. it takes forever to get to it. I would prefer the game window to dim and a regular text menu to appear on top. instant menu plz. I'm not the biggest fan of "fancy eye-candy animations".
  • edited July 2009
    I just recently read on Grumpy Gamer that you can skip text in SMI with the period key... Would have been a nice easteregg if that was in TMI too. =)
  • edited July 2009
    Why when i click on an area Guybrush doesnt walk there???
    I have to use the arrow keys!

    How are you supposed to use the arrow keys and the mouse at same time?
    Why doesnt he walk where i click with the mouse?
    And the camera view doesnt change - so i cant always see what im doing???

    I hope it gets better than this!!!
  • edited July 2009
    Moro wrote: »
    Why when i click on an area Guybrush doesnt walk there???
    I have to use the arrow keys!

    How are you supposed to use the arrow keys and the mouse at same time?
    Why doesnt he walk where i click with the mouse?
    And the camera view doesnt change - so i cant always see what im doing???

    I hope it gets better than this!!!

    Use WASD.
    And don't worry, it does get better than this, because once you left the ship the world stops moving and also you get used to the controls after some time.
    Also you can drag the mouse to move guybrush.
  • edited July 2009
    I also have a 4.8gig Duel Processor with 4 gig ram.... Why is it sooo slow?
    I had to reduce my setting so the arrow wont drag
  • edited July 2009
    He will only move if i select an object with the mouse (when he then talks about it)
    Otherwise if i select off screen he wont walk over to the left or right ect???

    Am i doing something wrong?
  • edited July 2009
    Moro wrote: »
    Why when i click on an area Guybrush doesnt walk there???
    I have to use the arrow keys!

    How are you supposed to use the arrow keys and the mouse at same time?
    Why doesnt he walk where i click with the mouse?
    And the camera view doesnt change - so i cant always see what im doing???

    I hope it gets better than this!!!

    Does your computer have a mouse?

    If so, hold the left button down and drag it. Guybrush will start walking - keep the left button depressed, then use your mouse to 'aim' him. If you want to, while doing this hold down the right button to run.

    Or double click the left button and then drag to start running right away.

    It will take about 5 minutes to get used to, but please try it. We don't want to start a taumel and friends support group here.


    Man, where the hell is Emily?

    Oh yeah... :(
  • edited July 2009
    Narr im not using mouse - just the laptop - walking with the mouse doesnt work - maybe ill have to go out buy a mouse - thanks
  • edited July 2009
    Sorry it does work!
    it just hard to work out at first
    Ohh feeling better already
  • edited July 2009
    I couldn't control Wallace and Gromit with just the laptop pad, it needed an external mouse, so this may be the same thing. :(

    Edit: Oh, good for you then!
  • edited July 2009
    Moro wrote: »
    I also have a 4.8gig Duel Processor with 4 gig ram.... Why is it sooo slow?
    I had to reduce my setting so the arrow wont drag

    It's largely to do with the capabilities of your graphics card. The game makes heavy use of shaders for graphical effects, which some cards/chips are better at than others. The rain seems to be a killer.

    A one- or two-year-old desktop graphics card is probably fine. Integrated graphics won't work very well. Laptops, it may depend on how game-oriented the hardware is - the nVidia Quadro NVS 110M in my Dell Latitude D820 (business-oriented) works pretty well for Sam & Max and SBC4GAP, but was jerky as heck on MI until I turned down the graphics to level 3. Shame, because the depth-of-field stuff looked quite nice, but the chip just can't handle it!
  • edited July 2009
    I have brand new MacBook Pro (2.8gig, 4gigRam) but maybe cos its running windows XP Home via VMware Fusion
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