New playable character?



  • edited July 2015

    I can see Malcolm becoming a playable character. I feel like they need somebody in Mereen with all that's going on there.
    The current playable characters are covering events beyond the wall, in King's Landing, in Ironrath...It would be interesting to get somebody who's hanging around Stannis to get that part covered too.

    Edit: I want season 2 to still be about the Forresters, though. I've bonded with the characters, I'm familiar with the setting. Everything leading up to the main conflict- the war between the Whitehills and the Forresters- has been taken care of. War has broken out. I don't want that to be over in one episode. I feel like I've just gotten past the introductory phase of the story, now I'm ready for the main plot.

  • edited July 2015

    Well, firstly, female protagonists DON'T outnumber men in the walking dead - there are 4 men (Lee, Russel, Vince, Wyatt), and 4 women (Clem, Shel, Bonnie, Michonne).

    Secondly in fiction, when there is a group of protagonists taken at the same time, it's exceedingly rare for women to outnumber men.

    In protagonist groups of three usually it's one woman and two men ala Harry Potter, in groups of 5 its normally 3 men and 2 women ala 400 days.

    Sometimes you get 3 women and 2 men (Founders of the inquisition in Dragon Age 3), or 2 women and 1 man (Protagonists in Dreamfall chapters), but I've never seen 4 women and 1 man before. It's fairly uncommon.

    Taking this into account, and considering Tthe Game of Thrones Telltale staff had even fewer female proitagonists than the xclassic 3 men 2 women scheme, I can't see them completely reversing it.

    Maybe I'm wrong and there will be 4 women and one man, but I'd bet anything I own that there won't be.

    See this for the 'two guys and a girl' trope/cliche:

    See this for information on tropes relating to groups of 5 protagonists, almost always having more men than women:

    I'm not saying Telltale should be forced to do anything - I'm saying I think it's far more unlikely that they'd have 4 women and a man than four men and a woman.

  • edited July 2015

    Does Tavia really count as a protagonist? She's much more of an antagonist.

  • edited July 2015

    She's also just a plot device to allow us to have some interaction with all 5 protagonists at the same time - if she was a full protagonists she would have been advertised and we'd have seen her face on the board.

    Regardless, even if we do take her as a full protagonists along the likes of Lee, she is controlled for 5 minutes, which is still about equal in terms of how much time is dedicated to playing as each sex.

    Furtyhermore, I'm not saying it's unlikely telltale will devote 53% of playable time to women or anything like that - I'm saying it's unlikely telltale will devote 80% of playable time to women, as would be the case with 4 female protagonists and 1 male.

  • I don't think we'll get a new playable character for just one episode... But if that happened I would like to see it happen with Beshka... She could be sent to save Ryon with her slave fighting rogue skill... Because taht way if she gets caught the Forrester can deny they knew her... But I'm guessing that won't happen... Telltale killed one of the older brothers because theyw anted a really f*cked up decision to shock evryone and because basically you would be playing with two differetn charatcers in the same storyline and they wouldn't do that.

  • I want it to be Malcolm now that the alliance was formed with the Targaryians

  • I can already see the choices:

    [Be an asshole and ruin everything]

    [Be an asshole and ruin everything]

    [Be an asshole and ruin everything]

    [Hide behind plot armour]

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    Ramsay Snow DLC A Telltale Game Series -Play as Ramsay Snow: Flay, Stab, Kill, Fuck, Laugh. Only 29,99€ Preorder now and get an exlusive hat in TF2 that will become the new Max!

  • I never considered that before. But oh my gods yes!

    I would like to play Norren he escaped the Red Wedding and joined the brotherhood without banners

  • Malcolm for sure.

  • I would love a Ramsay Snow mini-series in between seasons 1 and 2 of GoT just like the Michonne mini-series for TWD.Really Ramsay is just misunderstood and giving us a chance to play as him will let us delve into his mind.I can't wait to follow his story and learn more about the best character in ASOIAF.

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    Ramsay Snow DLC A Telltale Game Series -Play as Ramsay Snow: Flay, Stab, Kill, Fuck, Laugh. Only 29,99€ Preorder now and get an exlusive hat in TF2 that will become the new Max!

  • Really Ramsay is just misunderstood


    Saoralba131 posted: »

    I would love a Ramsay Snow mini-series in between seasons 1 and 2 of GoT just like the Michonne mini-series for TWD.Really Ramsay is just mi

  • no because Sylvi is Malcolm in disguise.

    Sai Madadi posted: »

    Ryon, Talia, malcom, svyli and Rodrick's son? maybe?

  • Gared would hate that! haha

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    no because Sylvi is Malcolm in disguise.

  • This person is messed up.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    I would love a Ramsay Snow mini-series in between seasons 1 and 2 of GoT just like the Michonne mini-series for TWD.Really Ramsay is just mi

  • It's probably going to be Malcom so that we can keep up with the events of Danny.

  • edited July 2015

    Its more we need locations

    King landing

    Im hoping we keep mira, being one of marge's handmaidens in season 5 could be fun

    Hopefully some new locations


    I'd like


    The "lord" should live but be an npc and have little effect

  • Cotter's mother is actually Ludd Whitehill.

    Sai Madadi posted: »

    Gared would hate that! haha

  • Out of that list I would say Malcolm and Gwyn would be my top picks for new playable characters

  • I'd actually would like to play as Torrhen Whitehill, since he is the heir of Ludd, and maybe we'd see a player view from someone who works under the Boltons. I'd like the continuation of Asher/Rodrik. Maybe a new character in the Eyrie? Gared, (though I don't think he'll live). I see Malcolm becoming a character. Talia is probably gonna survive.
    So in this order:
    1: Torrhen Whitehill
    2: Asher
    3: Talia
    4: Gared
    5: Malcolm
    6: Eyrie Character

  • I would be more pleased if they don't add another but keep the bro alive
    It will be like the same work as to add another

    But if I get to chose ........ Malcolm

  • edited August 2015





  • Ryon and other.

  • Hell no Ryon, i hope gwyn

  • I don't think Ryon will be an option. He is way too young.
    Malcolm would be great! Also Talia...

  • Sylvi! I want to be a wildling so badly! Also Beskha because she rules.

  • Hell no for both of them!

    Hell no Ryon, i hope gwyn

  • edited August 2015

    Torrhen and Ebbert Whitehill. The first book in the GoT series had too much of one family (Starks) and I found it was drastically improved (don't get me wrong, it was still great) by adding rival pov's (Jaime and Cersei, while Tyrion began to take action against the Starks).

    Plus it would make up for the mistake of making Ludd and Gryff generic villains with no redeemable qualities. Ebbert would give us a new location (Oldtown) and it'd just be nice if Torrhen and Ebbert were decent human beings. Unfortunately you'd have a lot of players that would play Torrhen as incompetent to give their Forresters an edge ("hur git rekt witehils Forresters ftw")

    I mean, they could fix that too by simply not having them be enemies.

  • edited August 2015

    It would be great if Torrhen was actually a decent person that legitimately could have wanted an alliance, and saw the Forresters as monsters that murdered his family and took their Ironwood (provided we kill Ludd and/or Gryff).

    Torrhen and Ebbert Whitehill. The first book in the GoT series had too much of one family (Starks) and I found it was drastically improved (

  • I would love to play as Elissa and Talia. I think that the playable characters should only be the Forresters, you know. They're the center of the story.

  • It would be awesome if you can play as Talia and as Malcolm in season 2

  • From those options Beskha is the only one, but in general it would be Asher. Gared would not be too bad either - now he appears as a lost puppy, I'd love for him to find his manhood somewhere.

  • The best options for me seem to be Malcolm and Norren, and possibly a Whitehill perspective at Oldtown.

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