EP 5 Mira/Tyrion scene: possible outcomes

So how did you manage the conversation with Tyrion? I found it very tricky but I think I got some names.

Assuming you don't know anything about Shae or anyone actually, what will happen to Mira?

In my case, he mentioned Podrick, so that's at least one. Also, he said he was expecting Bronn, that's another.

But it's kinda lame that no matter what you do, Tyrion finds out about Cersei anyway lol. The wine was the dumbest move ever tho.

Well, do you think him mentioning Bronn or Podrick could save you from Cersei?



  • he figured i was working for cersei and i pleeaded he gave me names and gave me a bunch i believe podrick was amongst them

  • Expecting to beat Tyrion at minds games is like expecting to beat the Mountain in a fight. Not going to happen

    Bronn and Podrick will have no effect on anything, that would be really dumb. Podrick is gone by the way.....he's with Brienne of Tarth as of "oath keeper". which is Episode 4 of Season 4.

  • Also the real truth is that he doesn't have any witnesses lol.

  • He told me Shagga, Timmet, and Chelo from the Mountain Clans....

    I can't believe I honestly thought I could outsmart Tyrion on Cersei's behalf.... sigh.

  • edited July 2015

    He figures out you're working for Cersei no matter what you do. I blame the idiot guard that thought "durr, let's give her Cersei's wine! That won't tip Tyrion off that this handmaiden is working for Cersei!"

  • He tells you the truth if you come clean about working for Cersei - and he says that Cersei already knows that he has no witnesses.

  • I just wanna to kill that guard. Only confirmed Cersei send me there half way through the conversation.

    Perhaps you can give these names, like Bronn or something, or tell that no one will testify on his behalf.

  • It didn't go too bad, that guard though, he's gonna dob us in I can feel it.

    But I told Tyrion the truth and he told me to make a list, he mentioned Jamie, Varys and one other I forget.

  • The moment the guard shoved that pitcher of wine in my hands I was like "Really? Well, I hope you also filled it with Cersei's personal favorite, so we really drive in how obviously faked my visit is. Thanks." and then he barges in and tells me that I'm the one who messed it all up. Thanks Lucan. If Mire ever gets another chance to murder a Lannister guard, I know who I'm going for.

  • For as bad as this episode was and the awkward moments of Cersei affiliating with a lowly handmaiden, the writers did capture her personality very very well in that scene, provided it was intended.

    About Cersei: she thinks shes way way WAAAAAY smarter than she actually is. Like, shes that person who everyone in Kings Landing knows is stupid but deren't say it. GRRM writes in third person perspective but from the point of view of individual characters, in one scenario Cersei insults someone and she believed to be 'subtle', the someone laughs and Cersei thinks all proudly of herself that this 'moron' didnt realise she was mocking him, but if you read between the lines you can tell hes actually laughing at her, they all see through her, they all know she thinks shes outsmarting them.

    Just listen to her in that scene, "you can be my little bird". Gee, Cersei, that was witty....did you come up with it yourself? oh right you didnt, you were copying the Master of Secrets, someone you wish you were as smart as.

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